


最新著作指获刊於Scival前25% (Quartile 1/Q1) 期刊中发表的论文。


最后更新於 2024年12月23日



Phytochemical constituents, bioactivities, and applications of custard apple (annona squamosa l.): A narrative review.

Moussa, A. Y., & Siddiqui, S. A., & Elhawary, E. A., & Guo, K., & Anwar, S., et al. 2024-11-30. Food Chemistry, 459(-), -


Alternative splicing of vrf1 acts as a molecular switch to regulate stress-induced early flowering.

Chen, M.-X., & Tian, Y., & Zhu, F.-Y., & Fan, T., & Yan, H.-X., et al. 2024-11-26. Cell Reports, 43(11), -


Biotransformation of tetrabromobisphenol a and its analogs by selected gut bacteria strains: Implications for human health.

Lv, M., & Liu, Y., & Wang, M., & Wang, Y., & Xiang, T., et al. 2024-11-26. Environmental Science and Technology, 58(47), 20894-20905


Extending the norm activation model and unpacking laypeople’s misinformation correction process: Multilayered roles of awareness, norms and efficacy.

Chen, A., & Chen, Z.Ng, A. Y. 2024-11-26. Online Information Review, 48(7), 1293-1312


Knowledge hiding and seeking during the pandemic: Who really wins in the new normal?

Tan, K.-L., & Hii, I. S. H.Cheong, K. C.-K. 2024-11-26. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 54(6), 1315-1341


Reporting sexual violence and #metoo in asia: The view from hong kong, mainland china, and taiwan.

Luqiu, L. R. 2024-11-26. Reporting Sexual Violence and #MeToo in Asia: The View from Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Taiwan, -(-), 1-97


The role of para-social relationship in live streaming virtual gift purchase: A two-stage sem-neural network analysis.

Hou, F., & Li, B., & Guan, Z., & Chong, A. Y. L.Phang, C. W. 2024-11-25. Internet Research, 34(6), 2298-2340


Animating the crowd mirage: A wifi-positioning-based crowd mobility digital twin for smart campuses.

Chen, C., & Yang, Y., & Yuan, H., & Chen, L., & Wang, L., et al. 2024-11-21. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 8(4), -


Molecular engineering of poly(ionic liquid) for direct and continuous production of pure formic acid from flue gas.

Li, G., & Zhang, C., & Liu, Y., & Song, Y., & Guo, W., et al. 2024-11-21. Advanced Materials, 36(47), -


The role of safety climate in occupational health and safety information seeking: Extending risk perception attitude framework.

Fung, T. K. F. 2024-11-21. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 17(5-6), 503-520


Selective protonation of catalytic dyad for ?-secretase-mediated hydrolysis revealed by multiscale simulations.

Wu, B., & Li, S.Han, W. 2024-11-21. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 128(46), 11345-11358


The 1978 english boarding school influenza outbreak: Where the classic seir model fails.

Avilov, K. K., & Li, Q., & Lin, L., & Demirhan, H., & Stone, L., et al. 2024-11-20. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 21(220), -


Advances in microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (µpads): Design, fabrication, and applications.

Chen, J. L., & Njoku, D. I., & Tang, C., & Gao, Y., & Chen, J., et al. 2024-11-20. Small Methods, 8(11), -


Facile peptide macrocyclization and multifunctionalization via cyclen installation.

Cheung, T.-L., & Tam, L. K. B., & Tam, W.-S., & Zhang, L., & Kai, H.-Y., et al. 2024-11-20. Small Methods, 8(11), -


Highly efficient and stable organic solar cells enabled by a commercialized simple thieno[3,2-b]thiophene additive.

Chen, J., & Wang, Y., & Wang, L., & Lin, F. R., & Han, C., et al. 2024-11-20. Small Methods, 8(11), -


Laser-induced graphene-based sensors in health monitoring: Progress, sensing mechanisms, and applications.

Li, Z., & Huang, L., & Cheng, L., & Guo, W.Ye, R. 2024-11-20. Small Methods, 8(11), -


Scanning probe microscopies for characterizations of 2d materials.

Su, S., & Zhao, J.Ly, T. H. 2024-11-20. Small Methods, 8(11), -


Tna-mediated antisense strategy to knockdown akt genes for triple-negative breast cancer therapy.

Li, P., & Zheng, S., & Leung, H. M., & Liu, L. S., & Chang, T. J. H., et al. 2024-11-20. Small Methods, 8(11), -


Institutional structure of organization and employees’ pro-environmental behaviors: The mediating effect of employees’ organizational identification.

Qi, L., & Li, J., & Pang, Z.Liu, B. 2024-11-19. Employee Relations, 46(7), 1388-1405


On statistical zonostrophic instability and the effect of magnetic fields.

Wang, C., & Mason, J.Gilbert, A. D. 2024-11-19. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 999(-), -


Facile synthesis of defect-rich interfacial mo/moo2 for efficient peroxymonosulfate activation and refractory pollutants degradation.

Fang, H., & Guo, H., & Feng, X., & Chen, Z., & Ji, W., et al. 2024-11-15. Environmental Pollution, 361(-), -


L'autre musique du québec: Musique actuelle and the making of an experimental jazz scene in québec.

Mouillot, F. 2024-11-15. The Routledge Companion to Diasporic Jazz Studies, -(-), 171-181


Metabolism of isodecyl diphenyl phosphate in rice and microbiome system: Differential metabolic pathways and underlying mechanisms.

Yu, Y., & Ai, T., & Huang, J., & Jin, L., & Yu, X., et al. 2024-11-15. Environmental Pollution, 361(-), -


Modified zhenwu decoction improved intestinal barrier function of experimental colitis through activation of sgc-mediated cgmp/pkg signaling.

Xu, Y., & Huang, C., & Xu, H., & Xu, J., & Cheng, K. W., et al. 2024-11-15. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 334(-), -


Optimizing service design for the intercity demand responsive transit system: Model, algorithm, and comparative analysis.

Zheng, R., & Yang, H., & Fan, W.Wang, D. 2024-11-15. Expert Systems with Applications, 254(-), -


Strategic approach for converting fat-rich food waste into high-quality biodiesel using black soldier fly larvae for sustainable bioenergy.

Kim, J. Y., & Park, G., & Choi, Y., & Park, W.-K., & Koo, B., et al. 2024-11-15. Science of the Total Environment, 951(-), -


Strategies, techniques and applications for food authentication based on carbohydrates: A review.

Li, L.-F., & Shi, X., & Qi, S.-M., & Zhang, X.-T., & Fung, H.-Y., et al. 2024-11-15. Carbohydrate Polymers, 344(-), -


Design of murine double minute 2 proteolysis targeting chimera degraders with a built-in tumor-targeting ability.

Wang, Z., & Yue, S., & Chen, X., & Li, J., & Zhu, P., et al. 2024-11-14. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 67(21), 18865-18882


Developing stapled aptamers with a constrained conformation for osteogenesis imperfect therapeutics.

Amu, G., & Zhang, G., & Jing, N.Ma, Y. 2024-11-14. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 67(21), 18883-18894


Global aviation english research.

Friginal, E., & Prado, M.Roberts, J. 2024-11-14. Global Aviation English Research, -(-), 1-270


Pragmatic strategies in the aeronautical community of practice.

Prado, M.Ishihara, N. 2024-11-14. Global Aviation English Research, -(-), 77-94


Researching global aviation english.

Friginal, E., & Prado, M., & Roberts, J.Ye, M. 2024-11-14. Global Aviation English Research, -(-), 1-16


Reviews and syntheses: Biological indicators of low-oxygen stress in marine water-breathing animals.

Roman, M. R., & Altieri, A. H., & Breitburg, D., & Ferrer, E. M., & Gallo, N. D., et al. 2024-11-14. Biogeosciences, 21(22), 4975-5004


Unusual and persistent free radical intermediate production from 2-pyridyl ketones via uv irradiation: A direct esr study.

Xie, L.-N., & Huang, C.-H., & Xu, D., & Li, Z.-H., & Qin, L., et al. 2024-11-14. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15(45), 11353-11360


Post-translational regulation of bri1-ems suppressor 1 and brassinazole-resistant 1.

Mao, J., & Shen, B., & Li, W., & Liu, L.Li, J. 2024-11-13. Plant & cell physiology, 65(10), 1544-1551


Translation and emergency.

Todorova, M. 2024-11-13. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Sociology, -(-), 383-399


Deside: A unified deep learning approach for cellular deconvolution of tumor microenvironment.

Xiong, X., & Liu, Y., & Pu, D., & Yang, Z., & Bi, Z., et al. 2024-11-12. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(46), -


A newborn f-box gene blocks gene flow by selectively degrading phosphoglucomutase in species hybrids.

Xie, D., & Ma, Y., & Ye, P., & Liu, Y., & Ding, Q., et al. 2024-11-12. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(46), -


Significant biogenic source of oxygenated volatile organic compounds and the impacts on photochemistry at a regional background site in south china.

Lyu, X., & Li, H., & Lee, S.-C., & Xiong, E., & Guo, H., et al. 2024-11-12. Environmental Science and Technology, 58(45), 20081-20090


The moderating role of face and attribution on service recovery quality, postrecovery satisfaction and repurchase intention: A study of collectivist consumers in service recovery.

Lee, J. L.-M., & Siu, N. Y.-M., & Zhang, T. J.Wong, S. M. H. 2024-11-11. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 18(6), 1584-1602


Pt supported on modified-coal gasification slag for efficient dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane in a fixed bed reactor.

Dai, X., & Wang, J., & Guo, H., & Xu, Y., & Bai, J., et al. 2024-11-11. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 90(-), 409-418


Impacts of atmospheric particulate matter deposition on phytoplankton: A review.

Thiagarajan, V., & Nah, T.Xin, X. 2024-11-10. Science of the Total Environment, 950(-), -


Construction of cu-modified g-c3n4 nanosheets for photoinduced co2 reduction to co and selectivity mechanism insight.

Qi, Q., & Shen, W., & Cai, M., & Cai, J., & Hu, B., et al. 2024-11-08. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7(21), 24788-24797


Correlation of dimer-linker-induced conformational lock with nonradiative energy loss in organic solar cells.

Gao, H., & Fan, B., & Yu, L., & Wang, Y., & Li, R., et al. 2024-11-08. ACS Energy Letters, 9(11), 5541-5549


Mechanism of action and evaluation of ratiometric probes for uric acid using lanthanide complexes with tetraazatriphenylene sensitisers.

Wen, X., & Li, H., & Ju, Z., & Deng, R.Parker, D. 2024-11-07. Chemical Science, 15(47), 19944-19951


Programgalois: A programmable generator of radix-4 discrete galois transformation architecture for lattice-based cryptography.

Li, G., & Ye, Z., & Chen, D., & Dai, W., & Mao, G., et al. 2024-11-07. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, 17(4), -


Asymmetric aramid aerogel composite with durable and covert thermal management via janus heat transfer structure.

Wu, J., & Wang, Y., & Song, P., & Sang, M., & Fan, Z., et al. 2024-11-06. Nano Letters, 24(44), 14020-14027


Nuciferine alleviates high-fat diet- and apoe-/--induced hepatic steatosis and ferroptosis in nafld mice via the ppar? Signaling pathway.

Qiu, J., & Le, Y., & Liu, N., & Chen, L., & Jiang, Y., et al. 2024-11-06. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72(44), 24417-24431


Cross-linguistic and multicultural considerations in evaluating bilingual adults with aphasia.

Sung, J. E., & Scimeca, M., & Li, R.Kiran, S. 2024-11-04. American journal of speech-language pathology, 33(6), 2716-2731


Deliberate metaphor (use) in translation and interpreting: Is there such a thing?

Wong, S. 2024-11-04. Metaphor and the Social World, 14(2), 322-328


Microenvironment manipulation strategies for acidic co2 electrolysis.

Li, G., & Liu, Y., & Feng, T.Ye, R. 2024-11-04. ChemElectroChem, 11(21), -


Spin-coated and vacuum-processed hole-extracting self-assembled multilayers with h-aggregation for high-performance inverted perovskite solar cells.

Jiang, W., & Wang, D., & Shang, W., & Li, Y., & Zeng, J., et al. 2024-11-04. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 63(45), -


20(s)-ginsenoside rh2 induces apoptosis and autophagy in melanoma cells via suppressing src/stat3 signaling.

Li, J.-K., & Jiang, X.-L., & Zhang, Z., & Chen, W.-Q., & Peng, J.-J., et al. 2024-11-01. Journal of Ginseng Research, 48(6), 559-569


Actual private information disclosure on online social networking sites: A reflective-impulsive model.

Zhang, J., & Wang, W., & Khansa, L.Kim, S. S. 2024-11-01. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25(6), 1533-1562


Adaptation planning of container ports in the context of typhoon risks: The case of ningbo-zhoushan port in china.

Wang, T., & Ng, A. K. Y., & Wang, J., & Chen, Q., & Pang, J., et al. 2024-11-01. Ocean and Coastal Management, 257(-), -


Analysis and numerical methods for nonlocal-in-time allen-cahn equation.

Li, H., & Yang, J.Zhang, W. 2024-11-01. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 40(6), -


Anti-obesity effects of adzuki bean saponins in improving lipid metabolism through reducing oxidative stress and alleviating mitochondrial abnormality by activating the pi3k/akt/gsk3?/?-catenin signaling pathway.

Luo, J., & Luo, J., & Wu, Y., & Fu, Y., & Fang, Z., et al. 2024-11-01. Antioxidants, 13(11), -


Artificial intelligence with mass spectrometry-based multimodal molecular profiling methods for advancing therapeutic discovery of infectious diseases.

Liu, J., & Bao, C., & Zhang, J., & Han, Z., & Fang, H., et al. 2024-11-01. Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 263(-), -


Being alone or together: How frontline anthropomorphized robots affect solo (vs. Joint) service consumption.

Khoa, D. T.Chan, K. W. 2024-11-01. Journal of Service Research, 27(4), 579-599


Bottom trawling and multi-marker edna metabarcoding surveys reveal highly diverse vertebrate and crustacean communities: A case study in an urbanized subtropical estuary.

Ip, J.-H., & Loke, H.-X., & Yiu, S., & Zhao, M., & Li, Y., et al. 2024-11-01. Environmental DNA, 6(6), -


Bt corn and cotton planting may benefit peanut growers by reducing aflatoxin risk.

Yu, J., & Hennessy, D. A.Wu, F. 2024-11-01. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 22(11), 3028-3036


Capital market opening, digital transformation and corporate risk-taking ——empirical evidence from shanghai shenzhen-hong kong stock connect.

Zheng, F., & Jiang, J., & Ma, J.Liou, J. 2024-11-01. International Review of Economics and Finance, 96(-), -


The carnivalesque celebration of a slack laborer icon on a talent show: Civic engagement, commercialization, and political control.

Zhi, L.Wei, D. 2024-11-01. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 27(6), 852-868


Characterization of contusive spinal cord injury by monitoring motor-evoked potential.

All, A. H., & Wong, K.-L.Al-Nashash, H. A. 2024-11-01. Biomedicines, 12(11), -


China's commuting-based metropolitan areas.

Chen, T., & Gu, Y.Zou, B. 2024-11-01. Journal of Urban Economics, 144(-), -


Chinese scientists’ mediated participation in public outreach: Multiple direct and personal norm-mediated predictors.

Zhang, X., & Chen, A.Jin, J. 2024-11-01. Public Understanding of Science, 33(8), 1009-1026


The combined effects of bilingualism and musicianship on listeners’ perception of non-native lexical tones.

Zhang, L., & Zhu, J., & Shao, J.Zhang, C. 2024-11-01. Speech Communication, 165(-), -


Communicating and managing aspirational talk-action tensions: An integrated approach of csr discourse analysis.

Mak, A. K. Y.Huang, Z. 2024-11-01. Public Relations Review, 50(4), -


Comparative analysis of biofilm bacterial communities developed on different artificial reef materials.

Sajid, S., & Zhang, G., & Zhang, Z., & Chen, L., & Lu, Y., et al. 2024-11-01. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 135(11), -


A comparison of two models for detecting inconsistency in network meta-analysis.

Qin, L., & Zhao, S., & Guo, W., & Tong, T.Yang, K. 2024-11-01. Research Synthesis Methods, 15(6), 851-871


Deciphering decadal urban ozone trends from historical records since 1980.

Wang, H., & Lu, X., & Palmer, P. I., & Zhang, L., & Lu, K., et al. 2024-11-01. National Science Review, 11(11), -


Deep learning-based enhancement of fluorescence labeling for accurate cell lineage tracing during embryogenesis.

Li, Z., & Xie, D., & Ma, Y., & Zhao, C., & You, S., et al. 2024-11-01. Bioinformatics, 40(11), -


Defending the vedi river valley of armenia: The fortification and refortification of a flatland-mountain interface.

Cobb, P. J., & Cobb, E., & Azizbekyan, H., & Petrosyan, A.Gasparyan, A. B. 2024-11-01. Bulletin of ASOR, 392(1), 151-177


Development and evaluation of real-time quantitative pcr assays for detection of phellinus noxius causing brown root rot disease.

Liu, T.-Y., & Chen, C.-H., & Ko, Y.-C., & Wu, Z.-C., & Liao, T.-Z., et al. 2024-11-01. Plant Disease, 108(11), 3288-3299


Differences in the influence of the built environment on physical activities for people with normal weight, overweight, and obesity.

Zou, Y.Wang, D. 2024-11-01. Health and Place, 90(-), -


Dipolar-hollowed ?-fe2o3@au/polydopamine nanospindle for photothermal-photodynamic coupling antibacterial and drug-delivery.

Yu, G., & Wang, J., & Xiong, Q., & Xu, Y., & Xuan, S., et al. 2024-11-01. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 281(-), -


Discovery of plasma biomarkers for parkinson's disease diagnoses based on metabolomics and lipidomics.

Wang, X., & Wang, B., & Ji, F., & Yan, J., & Fang, J., et al. 2024-11-01. Chinese Chemical Letters, 35(11), -


Dissolved pahs in the beibu gulf and adjacent waters of the south china sea: Physical and biochemical processes-driven distributional variations.

Shi, J., & Liu, M., & Ye, J., & Chen, F., & Chen, X., et al. 2024-11-01. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 286(-), -


Doxing on social networking sites: An extension of the social cognitive theory of moral thought and action.

Li, Y.-J., & Cheung, C. M. K., & Shen, X.-L.Lee, M. K. O. 2024-11-01. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25(6), 1466-1499


Effects of temporal features and product image zooming in online time scarcity deals: A construal fit account.

Ho, C. K. Y., & Kuan, K., & Liang, S.Ke, W. 2024-11-01. Information and Management, 61(7), -


Energy consumption performance of a vtol uav in and out of ground effect by flight test.

Su, S., & Shan, X., & Yu, P.Wang, H. 2024-11-01. Drones, 8(11), -


Energy diminishing implicit-explicit runge–kutta methods for gradient flows.

Fu, Z., & Tang, T.Yang, J. 2024-11-01. Mathematics of Computation, 93(350), 2745-2767


Engineered digestate-derived biochar mediated peroxymonosulfate activation for oxytetracycline removal in sustainable wastewater remediation.

Akaniro, I. R., & Zhang, R., & Chai, X., & Tsang, C. H. M., & Wang, P., et al. 2024-11-01. Environmental Pollution, 360(-), -


English loanwords in hong kong cantonese: False friend cognates and english vocabulary acquisition.

Yip, J. W. C.Wakefield, J. C. 2024-11-01. Applied Linguistics Review, 15(6), 2901-2924


Enhanced anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and sewage sludge by co-application of biochar and nano-fe3o4.

Luo, L., & Karimirad, R.Wong, J. W. C. 2024-11-01. Journal of Environmental Management, 370(-), -


Environmental sources, fate, toxicological effects, and health risks of copper pyrithione: An overview.

Tang, C., & Qin, X., & Huang, W., & Debi, S., & Zhang, Z., et al. 2024-11-01. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 18(11), -


Esg components and equity returns: Evidence from real estate investment trusts.

Fan, K. Y., & Shen, J., & Hui, E. C. M.Cheng, L. T. W. 2024-11-01. International Review of Financial Analysis, 96(-), -


Expansion strategy-driven micron-level resolution mass spectrometry imaging of lipids in mouse brain tissue.

Hung, Y. L. W., & Xie, C., & Wang, J., & Diao, X., & Li, R., et al. 2024-11-01. CCS Chemistry, 6(11), 2662-2670


Exploitation of healthcare iot–fog-based smart e-health gateways: A resource optimization approach.

Wen, B., & Li, S.Motevalli, H. 2024-11-01. Cluster Computing, 27(8), 10733-10755


Exploring oversampling in rbf least-squares collocation method of lines for surface diffusion.

Chen, M.Ling, L. 2024-11-01. Numerical Algorithms, 97(3), 1067-1087


Exploring the factor zoo with a machine-learning portfolio.

Sak, H., & Huang, T.Chng, M. T. 2024-11-01. International Review of Financial Analysis, 96(-), -


Fair and safe eligibility criteria for women's sport: The proposed testing regime is not justified, ethical, or viable.

Williams, A., & Heffernan, S., & Herbert, A., & Hamilton, B., & Sánchez, F., et al. 2024-11-01. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34(11), -


Finishing the unfinished revolution?: College-educated mothers' resistance to intensive mothering.

Lui, L.Cheung, A. K.-L. 2024-11-01. Gender, Work and Organization, 31(6), 2405-2422


Food security status and associated drivers among climate migrant households in bangladesh: Insight from urban informal settlements.

Hoque, F., & Khan, M. A., & Urme, I. A., & Sultana, R.Al Imran, S. 2024-11-01. Food and Energy Security, 13(6), -


From bytes to green: The impact of supply chain digitization on corporate green innovation.

Ma, J., & Li, Q., & Zhao, Q., & Liou, J.Li, C. 2024-11-01. Energy Economics, 139(-), -


A generalized alternating direction implicit method for consensus optimization: Application to distributed sparse logistic regression.

Ding, W., & Ng, M. K.Zhang, W. 2024-11-01. Journal of Global Optimization, 90(3), 727-753


Generative models for source code: Fine-tuning techniques for structured pattern learning.

Franzoni, V., & Tagliente, S.Milani, A. 2024-11-01. Technologies, 12(11), -


Genomic identification and expression analysis of regulator of chromosome condensation 1-domain protein family in maize.

Liu, R., & Ma, T., & Li, Y., & Lei, X., & Ji, H., et al. 2024-11-01. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(21), -


Human exposure to microplastics: A review on exposure routes and public health impacts.

Nawab, A., & Ahmad, M., & Khan, M. T., & Nafees, M., & Khan, I., et al. 2024-11-01. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 16(-), -


Insights into nitrogen-associated protein 50 (nap50) as a tyrosyl–DNA phosphodiesterase in dinoflagellates.

Tang, L., & Tam, N. F.-Y., & Lam, W., & Lee, T. C.-H., & Xu, S. J.-L., et al. 2024-11-01. Microorganisms, 12(11), -


Integrated non-targeted metabolomics and lipidomics reveal mechanisms of fluorotelomer sulfonates-induced toxicity in human hepatocytes.

Zheng, Y., & Wang, L., & Wu, J., & Xiang, L., & Gao, Y., et al. 2024-11-01. Environment International, 193(-), -


Integrated rna sequencing and biochemical studies reveal endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy dysregulation contribute to tri (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (tehp)-induced cell injury in sertoli cells.

Chen, P., & Song, Y., & Tang, L., & Qiu, Z., & Chen, J., et al. 2024-11-01. Environmental Pollution, 360(-), -


The interaction between domestic and outward foreign direct investment in china: The influence of region-specific context.

Wong, D. W. H., & Zhao, S. X. B., & Qiang, W. W.Lee, H. F. 2024-11-01. PLoS ONE, 19(11), -


Leader-following output feedback h? Consensus of fractional-order multi-agent systems with input saturation.

Xing, H.-S., & Boutat, D.Wang, Q.-G. 2024-11-01. Fractal and Fractional, 8(11), -


Long noncoding rna lncrna-3 recruits prc2 for myod1 silencing to suppress muscle regeneration during aging.

Zhang, Z.-K., & Guan, D., & Xu, J., & Li, X., & Zhang, N., et al. 2024-11-01. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(22), -


Long-term exposure to ozone and sleep disorders in children: A multicity study in china.

Gui, Z.-H., & Heinrich, J., & Morawska, L., & Zhao, T.-Y., & Yim, S. H.-L., et al. 2024-11-01. Environmental Research, 260(-), -


Mapping the research using 24-h movement guidelines in children and adolescents: A bibliometric analysis.

Zhang, Y., & Zhang, D., & Yang, X., & López-Gil, J. F.Chen, S. 2024-11-01. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 57(-), -


The mediating role of psychological capital in the relationship between foreign language anxiety and learning burnout among college students with different language environments.

Gu, C., & Jin, F.Li, Y. 2024-11-01. System, 126(-), -


Metal halide perovskites for solar-to-chemical energy conversion in aqueous media.

Wang, C., & Ding, Y., & Wang, Y., & Xie, Z., & Zeng, Z., et al. 2024-11-01. Carbon Energy, 6(11), -


Mixed neural operator learning on the solitary wave propagation over slope topography and inverse problem.

Liang, A., & Wang, Z., & Luo, H., & Zheng, K., & Li, R., et al. 2024-11-01. Physics of Fluids, 36(11), -


A multi-domain model for microcirculation in optic nerve: Blood flow and oxygen transport.

Song, Z., & Xu, S., & Eisenberg, R.Huang, H. 2024-11-01. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 467(-), -


The n6-methyladenosine epitranscriptomic landscape of lung adenocarcinoma.

Wang, S., & Zeng, Y., & Zhu, L., & Zhang, M., & Zhou, L., et al. 2024-11-01. Cancer Discovery, 14(11), 2279-2299


Numerical solution of convected wave equation in free field using artificial boundary method.

Wang, X., & Wang, J., & Di, Y.Zhang, J. 2024-11-01. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 40(6), -


Pathways to advanced resource recovery from sewage.

Zheng, M., & Hu, Z., & Liu, T., & Sperandio, M., & Volcke, E. I. P., et al. 2024-11-01. Nature Sustainability, 7(11), 1395-1404


Perceptions and expectations of an artificially intelligent physical activity digital assistant — a focus group study.

Vandelanotte, C., & Hodgetts, D., & Peris, D. L. I. H. K., & Karki, A., & Maher, C., et al. 2024-11-01. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(4), 2362-2380


The perceptual distinctiveness of the [n-l] contrast in different vowel and tonal contexts.

Liu, P. B.Li, M. 2024-11-01. JASA Express Letters, 4(11), -


Preface to the special issue on conversational recommender systems: Theory, models, evaluations, and trends.

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Privacy-preserving federated learning for proactive maintenance of iot-empowered multi-location smart city facilities.

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Production of combustible gas via incorporating co2 to pyrolysis of medicinal herbal waste.

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Progress in profitable fe-based flow batteries for broad-scale energy storage.

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Prospective association between 24-hour movement behaviors and fundamental movement skills in chinese preschoolers during the covid-19 pandemic: A compositional and reallocation analysis.

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The representative points of generalized alpha skew-t distribution and applications.

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Resilient water quality management: Insights from japan's environmental quality standards for conserving aquatic life framework.

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Revealing removal mechanisms of target personal care products in secondary wastewater treatment plants.

Yang, Y., & Wu, R. S. S.Tsang, Y. F. 2024-11-01. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 67(-), -


The role of contextual voice efficacy on employee voice and silence.

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Short-term contrarian in the carbon emission market.

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Silibinin attenuates ferroptosis in acute kidney injury by targeting fth1.

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Some improvements on good lattice point sets.

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Stability analysis of systems with time-varying delays for conservatism and complexity reduction.

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Stay or leave? Us-listed chinese companies under financial decoupling push and the reshaping of global financial networks.

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A study of the impact of digital finance usage on household consumption upgrading: Based on financial asset allocation perspective.

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Study on pyrolysis process and mechanism of organic coating of waste polyesterimide enameled wire based on density functional theory.

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Superstition, risk aversion, and audit quality: Evidence from china.

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Systematic review of life cycle assessments on carbon emissions in the transportation system.

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Therapeutic peptides in the treatment of digestive inflammation: Current advances and future prospects.

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Transitions across borders: Migration aspirations of young people from kinmen, taiwan.

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Turning the ships around: The russia-ukraine conflict reshapes the us lng maritime transportation network.

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Twisted industrial structure, land financing mode and social security.

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Unraveling community potential interactions by environmental DNA in the hong kong coastal waters.

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Unveiling osmoregulation and immunological adaptations in eleutheronema tetradactylum gills through high-throughput single-cell transcriptome sequencing.

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A versatile framework for attributed network clustering via k-nearest neighbor augmentation.

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Visioning a two-level human-machine communication framework: Initiating conversations between explainable ai and communication.

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Visual-orthographic skills predict the covariance of chinese word reading and arithmetic calculation.

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When green transportation backfires: High-speed rail's impact on transport-sector carbon emissions from 315 chinese cities.

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Wintertime ozone surges: The critical role of alkene ozonolysis.

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Interpreting technologized: Distance and assistance.

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Roof greening in major chinese cities possibly afford a large potential carbon sink.

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A selective hiv-1 rna g-quadruplex-targeting l-aptamer-d-antisense conjugate inhibits hiv-1 minus strand transfer.

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Elucidating the role of gut microbiota dysbiosis in hyperuricemia and gout: Insights and therapeutic strategies.

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Machine learning-driven spatiotemporal analysis of ozone exposure and health risks in china.

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Mesh-centric gaussian splatting for human avatar modelling with real-time dynamic mesh reconstruction.

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Simiao pills alleviates renal injury associated with hyperuricemia: A multi-omics analysis.

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Towards multi-view consistent graph diffusion.

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Unearthing the real-time excited state dynamics from antenna to rare earth ions using ultrafast transient absorption.

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Gear: Learning graph neural network explainer via adjusting gradients.

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Cell surface engineering by phase-separated coacervates for antibody display and targeted cancer cell therapy.

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Advancing the understanding of microplastic weathering: Insights from a novel polarized light scattering approach.

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Cu(ii)-dependent spine development injury in zebrafish (danio rerio) with organ heterogeneous cu imbalance.

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Effectiveness of a supervised group-based walking program on physical, psychological and social outcomes among older adults: A randomised controlled trial protocol.

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Surgical face mask as an air sampling device for assessing personal exposure to airborne antimicrobial resistance gene-bearing bacteria.

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Typical tire additives in river water: Leaching, transformation, and environmental risk assessment.

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Boosting microbial co2 electroreduction by the biocompatible and electroactive bimetallic fe-mn oxide cathode for acetate production.

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Deciphering the nitrogen activation mechanisms on group viii single atoms at mos2.

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Stabilization mechanism and long-term stability of endogenous heavy metals in manure-derived biochar.

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Towards space-time modelling of pm2.5 inhalation volume with st-exposure.

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Re-envisioning vocational education: Critical discourse analysis of a government publicity campaign in hong kong.

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Cnts-based biosensors for enzyme detection.

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Neural mechanisms of mutualistic fish cleaning behaviour: A study in the wild.

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Unraveling the distribution of black carbon in chinese forest soils using machine learning approaches.

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Advances in microbial self-healing concrete: A critical review of mechanisms, developments, and future directions.

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Bioactivities and industrial standardization status of ganoderma lucidum: A comprehensive review.

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Decoding adverse effects of organic contaminants in the aquatic environment: A meta-analysis of species sensitivity, hazard prediction, and ecological risk assessment.

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The effect of adding gracilaria on flavor and quality of low-salt fermented soy sauce.

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Fabrication of red mud-carbon composite from extremophilic microalgae and its utilisation in biodiesel production.

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A high-order multi-time-step scheme for bond-based peridynamics.

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In situ and rapid toxicity assessment of air pollution by self-assembly passive colonization hydrogel.

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Interactions between microbial communities and polymers in hydraulic fracturing water cycle: A review.

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Metabolome analysis revealed the critical role of betaine for arsenobetaine biosynthesis in the marine medaka (oryzias melastigma).

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Preparation of robust superhydrophobic stainless steel mesh for oil-water separation through mn-assisted control of one-step electrodeposited zn growth.

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Synergies of co-infecting pathogens, sea lice (lepeophetheirus salmonis) and moritella viscosa, are impacted by exposure order, and host response to initial infection.

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Water transfer projects and microplastics: Analyzing changes in lake environments with a focus on wabu lake, china.

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Asymmetric magnetic nanosnowman loaded with agpd nanocage toward nir-enhanced catalytic activity.

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Enhanced oxidation of glucose to formic acid under mild conditions using an oxygen-deficient mnox-based catalyst and a novel catalyst regeneration strategy.

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Immersive time in the metaverse and visits to the physical world: Why not both? A holistic customer engagement framework.

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Polar and quasicrystal vortex observed in twisted-bilayer molybdenum disulfide.

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Professionalism: Bridging the missing link between environmental mrv and carbon neutrality.

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Social capital and business strategy.

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Unlocking the potential of ni/fe2o3 bimetallic nanoparticles for fermentative biohydrogen production.

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The combination of detection and simulation for the distribution and sourcing of microplastics in shing mun river estuary, hong kong.

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Refracturing shale gas wells in china: Doubling water consumption for enhanced gas recovery.

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Bioinspired proton pump on ferroelectric hfo2-coupled ir catalysts with bidirectional hydrogen spillover for ph-universal and superior hydrogen production.

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Earl: Workshop on evaluating and applying recommendation systems with large language models.

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Natural organic matter enhances natural transformation of extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in sunlit water.

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Unleashing the retrieval potential of large language models in conversational recommender systems.

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Unlocking the hidden treasures: Enhancing recommendations with unlabeled data.

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Contrasting the distribution kinetics of microplastics and nanoplastics in medaka following exposure and depuration.

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Fate of quaternary ammonium compounds upon the uv/monochloramine process: Kinetics, transformation pathways and the formation of n-nitroso-n-methyl-n-alkylamines.

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6-gingerol inhibits de novo lipogenesis by targeting stearoyl-coa desaturase to alleviate fructose-induced hepatic steatosis.

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Abusive supervision differentiation and work outcomes: An integrative review and future research agenda.

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Advanced techniques for automated emotion recognition in dogs from video data through deep learning.

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Ai privacy in context: A comparative study of public and institutional discourse on conversational ai privacy in the us and chinese social media.

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All you need is compassion? A latent profile analysis of neglect and self-compassion on child mental health.

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Associations of reallocating sedentary time to physical activity and sleep with physical and mental health of older adults.

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An asymptotically consistent morphoelastic shell model for compressible biological structures with finite-strain deformations.

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Balancing photovoltaic development and cropland protection: Assessing agrivoltaic potential in china.

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Beauty and accounting academic career.

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Biogeochemical controls on methylmercury distribution in a subtropical wetland ecosystem.

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Blockade of endothelin receptors mitigates sars-cov-2-induced osteoarthritis.

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Catalytic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid using co-n/c catalysts with stepwise base addition approach.

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Chemicals and fuels from lipid-containing biomass: A comprehensive exploration.

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Combined structure-based virtual screening and machine learning approach for the identification of potential dual inhibitors of acc and dgat2.

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Comparisons between ingestion, rejection, and egestion of microbeads by burrowing clams, meretrix meretrix and paphia undulata: Implications for health risk of shellfish consumption.

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Complex pattern formation governed by a cahn-hilliard-swift-hohenberg system: Analysis and numerical simulations.

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Contributing to public deliberation by religious behavior: Beyond the inclusivism–exclusivism debate.

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Convergence analysis of the maximum principle preserving bdf2 scheme with variable time-steps for the space fractional allen–cahn equation.

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Correction to: Elimination of grain surface concavities for improved perovskite thin-film interfaces (nature energy, (2024), 9, 8, (999-1010), 10.1038/s41560-024-01567-x).

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Corrigendum to dynamic patterns of carbohydrate metabolism genes in bacterioplankton during marine algal blooms (microbiological research (2024) 286, (s0944501324001861), (10.1016/j.Micres.2024.127785)).

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A covalent molecular design enabling efficient co2 reduction in strong acids.

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A deep clustering-based state-space model for improved disease risk prediction in personalized healthcare.

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Deep generative clustering methods based on disentangled representations and augmented data.

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Degradation of tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (tdcpp) by ultraviolet activated hydrogen peroxide: Mechanisms, pathways and toxicity assessments.

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Developing a context- and subject-specific professional digital competence framework for beginning english language teachers in hong kong.

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Developing language teachers’ professional generative ai competence: An intervention study in an initial language teacher education course.

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Differential allelopathic effects of mangrove plants kandelia obovata and aegiceras corniculatum on harmful algal species: Potential applications in algal bloom control.

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Doing sociology across borders: Student experiences and learning with virtual exchange in large introductory sociology classes.

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The effect of electronic health (ehealth) interventions for promoting physical activity self-efficacy in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Effect of unanticipated tasks on side-cutting stability of lower extremity with patellofemoral pain syndrome.

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Effects of volume-matched once-weekly and thrice-weekly high-intensity interval training (hiit) on body adiposity in adults with central obesity: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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Electron-donating cu atoms induced high proton supply and anti-poisoning ruthenium clusters for superior direct seawater hydrogen production.

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Enough but not too many: A bi-threshold model for behavioral diffusion.

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Erratum to cd31 orchestrates metabolic regulation in autophagy pathways of rheumatoid arthritis [pharmacol. Res. 207 (2024) 107346] (pharmacological research (2024) 207, (s1043661824002913), (10.1016/j.Phrs.2024.107346)).

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Exact finite-size scaling of the maximum likelihood spectra in the quenched and annealed sherrington-kirkpatrick spin glass.

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Fatty acid oxidation-induced hif-1? Activation facilitates hepatic urate synthesis through upregulating nt5c2 and xdh.

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Fluorine-functionalized covalent organic framework coated solid-phase microextraction probe coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for monitoring triclosan, triclocarban, and chlorophenols in mice.

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Gaming disorder: Unraveling the role of problematic affective, cognitive, and executive functioning - a systematic review and meta-analytic structural equation modeling.

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A hybrid machine learning-based model for predicting failure of water mains under climatic variations: A hong kong case study.

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Hydraulic modeling of slag cover surface in top-blown molten bath smelting processes assisted by machine learning.

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Identification of key anthropogenic and land use factors and ecological risk assessment of dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) and organochlorine pesticides (ocps) in an urbanized estuary in china.

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Impact of impinging jet ventilation on thermal comfort and aerosol transmission: A numerical investigation in a densely-occupied classroom with solar effect.

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The impact of machine authorship on news audience perceptions: A meta-analysis of experimental studies.

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Inflammatory processes: Key mediators of oncogenesis and progression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (pdac).

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Inverses of toeplitz plus hankel operators with generating matrix functions.

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Investigation of an integrated liquid air energy storage system with closed brayton cycle and solar power: A multi-objective optimization and comprehensive analysis.

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Local conditions modulated the effects of marine heatwaves on coral bleaching in subtropical hong kong waters.

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Machine learning-assisted optimization of food-grade spirulina cultivation in seawater-based media: From laboratory to large-scale production.

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Machine learning-based causal inference for evaluating intervention in travel behaviour research: A difference-in-differences framework.

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Micro-macro modeling of polymeric fluids and shear-induced microscopic behaviors with bond-breaking.

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A multi-modal deep language model for contaminant removal from metagenome-assembled genomes.

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Numerical weather prediction of sea surface temperature in south china sea using attention-based context fusion network.

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Occurrence and potential risks of pharmaceutical contamination in global estuaries: A critical review and analysis.

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On the convergence of gradient descent for robust functional linear regression.

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Optimized controlled-release nitrogen strategy achieves high yield and nitrogen use efficiency of wheat following rice in the lower reaches of yangtze river of china.

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Partial label feature selection via label disambiguation and neighborhood mutual information.

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Peptide-conjugated vascular endothelial extracellular vesicles encapsulating vinorelbine for lung cancer targeted therapeutics.

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Persistent physiological benefits from doping? Ethical implications for sports integrity.

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The physiological response of salix matsudana for water pollution by 2,4-dinitrophenol.

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The power of images: How multimodal hate speech shapes prejudice and prosocial behavioral intentions.

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Przewaquinone a inhibits angiotensin ii-induced endothelial diastolic dysfunction activation of ampk.

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Quantum finance and fuzzy reinforcement learning-based multi-agent trading system.

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Quercetin promotes the proliferation, migration, and invasion of trophoblast cells by regulating the mir-149-3p/akt1 axis.

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Recent achievements in nonlinear dynamics, synchronization, and networks.

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Recent progresses in transmission electron microscopy studies of two-dimensional ferroelectrics.

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A reciprocal relationship between formal and informal social engagement and handgrip strength of older adults in south korea.

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Rhizosheath formation and its role in plant adaptation to abiotic stress.

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Suboptimal reporting of randomized controlled trials on non-pharmacological therapies in chinese medicine.

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Sulforaphane reverses the enhanced nsclc metastasis by regulating the mir-7-5p/c-myc/ldha axis in the acidic tumor microenvironment.

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Sustainable organic waste valorisation: A zero-waste approach.

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S-vacancy regulation over ultra-thin znin2s4 for enhanced photocatalytic valorization of biomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-diformylfuran.

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental methods for modulating intrusive memories following lab-analogue trauma exposure in non-clinical populations.

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Ten metabolites-based algorithm predicts the future development of type 2 diabetes in chinese.

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Trading options and cds on stocks under the short sale ban.

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Transforming landscapes: Decoding the impact of universities on urbanization using advanced modeling and perception analysis.

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Transition metal parashift and paracest mri agents: Current progress and challenges.

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Validating a short-form five facet mindfulness questionnaire among chinese early adolescents.

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Why high-speed rail causes heterogeneous spatial patterns in firm innovation: Perspectives from intensive and extensive margins.

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Periodic cylindrical bilayers self-assembled from biblock polymers.

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Exploring latent discrimination through an object-relational causal inference method.

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Funfuzz: A function-oriented fuzzer for smart contract vulnerability detection with high effectiveness and efficiency.

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Layer-by-layer fabrication of covalent organic frameworks on stainless steel needles as solid-phase microextraction probe coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for enrichment and determination of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in biosamples.

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Unwanted audienceship, audience resilience: A case study of the mirror incident in hong kong.

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Exploring the potential of hydrothermal treatment for microplastics removal in digestate.

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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists: A new hope towards the management of alcoholic liver disease.

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A cobalt biphenanthroline complex/carbon nanotubes hybrid as robust and efficient electrocatalyst for nitrite reduction to ammonia.

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Protocol for constructing tumor-targeting anm-protacs for degradation of transcription factors.

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Room-temperature synthesis of fluorinated covalent organic framework decorated superhydrophobic sponges for highly efficient crude oil spill cleanup.

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Advances in nanomaterials for immunotherapeutic improvement of cancer chemotherapy.

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Customization of manganese oxide cathodes via precise electrochemical lithium-ion intercalation for diverse zinc-ion batteries.

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Morphological regulation of pt/ceo2 and its catalytic dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane in fixed bed reactor.

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Platinum(ii) bis(arylacetylide) complexes bearing diarylamino-substituted bipyridine ligands for solution-processable phosphorescent oled applications.

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Natural products from herbal medicine self-assemble into advanced bioactive materials.

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Versatility of threose nucleic acids: Synthesis, properties, and applications in chemical biology and biomedical advancements.

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Design of highly electrophilic and stable metal nitrido complexes.

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Sars-cov-2 delta and omicron variants resist spike cleavage by human airway trypsin-like protease.

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Urinary thioproline and thioprolinyl glycine as specific biomarkers of formaldehyde exposure in humans.

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Visible combined near-infrared in situ imaging revealed dynamic effects of microplastic fibers and beads in zebrafish.

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Algorithms for maximum social welfare of online random trading.

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Enzymatic preparation and immunomodulatory mechanism of oligosaccharide from caulerpa racemosa var. Peltate.

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A fast microbial nitrogen-assimilation technology enhances nitrogen migration and single-cell-protein production in high-ammonia piggery wastewater.

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Freezing/thawing pretreatment for enhanced energy and resource recovery from waste activated sludge: A critical review.

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Quantification of cooking oil fumes using non-catalytic transesterification: A reliable method for indoor air quality assessment.

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Synergy of pore confinement and co-catalytic effects in peroxymonosulfate activation for persistent and selective removal of contaminants.

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Tong-xie-yao-fang strengthens intestinal feedback control of bile acid synthesis to ameliorate irritable bowel syndrome by enhancing bile salt hydrolase-expressing microbiota.

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Who engages in electricity conservation and to what effect after real-world, high-resolution feedback? An empirical analysis of korean households with smart meters.

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Buffering negative impact of psychological contract breach on employee voice behavior: The moderating role of globally responsible business leadership.

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In situ electropolymerizing toward ep-cop/cu tandem catalyst for enhanced electrochemical co2-to-ethylene conversion.

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Intensify mass transfer and molecular oxygen activation by defect-bridged asymmetric catalytic sites toward efficient membrane-based nanoconfined catalysis.

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Advanced electrolytes for high-performance aqueous zinc-ion batteries.

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Bringing organophosphate ester tris(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphate to the forefront: A hidden threat to the environment.

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Copper toxicity in acidic phytoplankton: Impacts of labile cu trafficking and causes of mitochondria dysfunction.

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Smtri: A deep learning-based web service for predicting small molecules that target mirna-mrna interactions.

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Drugs, sex, and enhancement: Threats to sports integrity at the olympics.

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Guest editorial: Digital transformation of the maritime business.

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Microplastome visualizations: From spatiotemporal distribution to risk assessment.

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Titanium nitride-cellulose nanofiber composite separator for zn anode stability in aqueous batteries.

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Copper redox state in cells and aquatic organisms: Implication for toxicity.

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Distribution and risk assessment of microplastics in water, sediment and brine shrimps in a remote salt lake on the tibetan plateau, china.

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A novel route of intercellular copper transport and detoxification in oyster hemocytes.

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Zhang ziyi: An alternative female action stardom and the logic of indeterminacy.

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Zr-based multivariate metal-organic framework for rapid extraction of sulfonamide antibiotics from water and food samples.

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Vsg-gan: A high-fidelity image synthesis method with semantic manipulation in retinal fundus image.

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Temperature-dependent charge transport measurements unveil morphological insights in non-fullerene organic solar cells.

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Abietane diterpenoids from isodon amethystoides and their biological activities.

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Accurate polynomial fitting and evaluation via arnoldi.

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Aging in cyberspace: Exploring health information acquisition among older wechat users.

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Assessing implicit computational thinking in game-based learning: A logical puzzle game study.

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Associations between fine particulate matter and colorectal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Autophagosome biogenesis and organelle homeostasis in plant cells.

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Bimetallic porphyrin pet radiotracers for low-dose mri contrast enhancement.

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Birds of a feather: Sharing democratic values eases immigration in a postmaterialist society.

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Blockchain transaction data mining and its applications.

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Bond–slip performance between steel tube and self-compacting fly ash concrete.

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Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass waste using montmorillonite-supported ultrafine iron nanoparticles for enhanced bio-oil yield and quality.

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Cd31 orchestrates metabolic regulation in autophagy pathways of rheumatoid arthritis.

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Communicating socially acceptable risk judgments: The role of impression information insufficiency in the risk information seeking and processing model.

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Comparison of agronomic and physiological characteristics for rice varieties differing in water use efficiency under alternate wetting and drying irrigation.

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Comparison of population photosynthesis characteristics and grain yield of wheat under various sowing dates and seeding rates.

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A comprehensive review of the triangular relationship among diet–gut microbiota–inflammation.

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Compression of battery x-ray tomography data with machine learning.

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Conductive coatings on pdms, pmma, and glass: Comparative study of graphene, graphene oxide, and silver nanoparticle composites.

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Contribution of ankle motion pattern during landing to reduce the knee-related injury risk.

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Controlling acoustic non-hermitian skin effect via synthetic magnetic fields.

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Correlation of co-morbidities with symptom severity of children with autism spectrum disorder: A cross-sectional survey.

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Cross transmission of normal breathing-released contaminants in a general hospital ward with impinging jet supply: A numerical study.

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Cshaperapp: Segmenting and analyzing cellular morphologies of the developing caenorhabditis elegans embryo.

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A data-driven method for estimating sewer inflow and infiltration based on temperature and conductivity monitoring.

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Depression diagnostics using a nonlinear mathematical oscillatory model.

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Development of a multiple-biomarker approach using the green-lipped mussel perna viridis for marine pollution monitoring: A case study in victoria harbour, hong kong.

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Different impacts of hedonic and utilitarian personal internet usage behaviour on well-being and work engagement: A daily examination.

Li, Y. N., & Law, K. S., & Yu, B., & Wang, L.Li, D. 2024-09-01. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 97(3), 1011-1036


Differentiable modeling for soil moisture retrieval by unifying deep neural networks and water cloud model.

Li, Z., & Yuan, Q., & Yang, Q., & Li, J.Zhao, T. 2024-09-01. Remote Sensing of Environment, 311(-), -


Discovery of ?-hexyl cinnamaldehyde and its derivatives as novel larvicides against aedes albopictus.

Li, Y., & Zou, J., & Ren, X., & Li, W., & Wu, W., et al. 2024-09-01. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 17(9), -


Dissolved organic matters, an intermediary of the microbial community and potassium fertilizers in a. Carmichaeli rhizosphere soil.

Xia, F., & Fu, M., & Liu, C., & Li, Y., & Qiang, Y., et al. 2024-09-01. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(3), 5472-5486


Dnn acceleration in vehicle edge computing with mobility-awareness: A synergistic vehicle–edge and edge–edge framework.

Zheng, Y., & Cui, L., & Tso, F. P., & Li, Z.Jia, W. 2024-09-01. Computer Networks, 251(-), -


Dynamic patterns of carbohydrate metabolism genes in bacterioplankton during marine algal blooms.

Li, X., & Cheng, X., & Xu, J., & Wu, J., & Chan, L. L., et al. 2024-09-01. Microbiological Research, 286(-), -


East-west dialogues on the ethics of sex robots.

Chan, B. S. B. 2024-09-01. HEC Forum, 36(3), 363-371


Effects of ta content on microstructure and oxidation behavior of alcocrfeniytax high entropy alloy.

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Environmental risk assessment of coastal dredging based on clustering of meteocean forcing.

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Estimate the number of lives saved by a sars-cov-2 vaccination campaign in six states in the united states with a simple model.

Yin, Y., & Tang, S., & Li, Q., & Zhou, S., & Ma, Y., et al. 2024-09-01. IJID Regions, 12(-), -


Ethical issues and unintended consequences of digitalization and platformization.

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Evaluation of the reliability and usability of care-radiology: A descriptive-analytic study.

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Exploring the impact of astaxanthin supplementation in conjunction with a 12-week crossfit training regimen on selected adipo-myokines levels in obese males.

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Factorial structure of the proqol—systematic meta-analysis and integration of 27 international factor analysis studies.

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Failure-informed adaptive sampling for pinns, part ii: Combining with re-sampling and subset simulation.

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Fdi inflows and export quality: Domestic competition and within-firm adjustment.

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Functional use of carbon dioxide for the sustainable valorization of orange peel in the pyrolysis process.

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Fungal bioluminescence: Past, present, and future.

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Generational differences in health information behaviors during the covid-19 crisis: A hong kong study.

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Geniposide dosage and administration time: Balancing therapeutic benefits and adverse reactions in liver disease treatment.

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High-order proximity and relation analysis for cross-network heterogeneous node classification.

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Host-gut microbiota metabolic interactions and their role in precision diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancers.

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How does social network mediate/moderate the effects of the built environment on travel behavior?

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How virtual influencers’ identities are shaped on chinese social media: A case study of ling.

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The impacts of relevance of recommendations and goal commitment on user experience in news recommender design.

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Incentivising-by-penalty: The optimal return strategy for a reusable transport item rental platform.

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Incorporating of spatial effects in forest canopy height mapping using airborne, spaceborne lidar and spatial continuous remote sensing data.

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The influence of online social support on health self-management among gay men living with hiv in china.

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Insights into chemical diversity and potential health-promoting effects of ferns.

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Institutional dual holdings and expected crash risk: Evidence from mergers between lenders and equity holders.

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Integration of machine learning and remote sensing for above ground biomass estimation through landsat-9 and field data in temperate forests of the himalayan region.

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Introduction: Platforms for social good.

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Inverted vs maker-taker routing choice and trader information.

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Ipcc and the city: The need to transition from ideology to climate justice.

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Large-scale optical programmable logic array for two-dimensional cellular automaton.

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Last word on viewpoint: Technological advances in elite sport: Where does one draw the line?

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Lseca: Local semantic enhancement and cross aggregation for video-text retrieval.

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Maize lipid droplet-associated protein 2 is recruited by a virus to enhance viral multiplication and infection through regulating cellular fatty acid metabolism.

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Making waves: Knowledge and data fusion in urban water modelling.

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Market uncertainties and too-big-to-fail perception: Evidence from chinese p2p registration requirements.

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Mass spectrometry-based techniques for determination of microplastics in terrestrial ecosystems.

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Mixed ownership reform of state-owned enterprises and executive compensation stickiness: Evidence from china.

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More than taste: Effects of visitor's cognitive appraisal on the complete satisfaction of wine tourism.

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Multifaceted biological indicators reveal an effective conservation scheme for marine protected areas.

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Music-evoked thoughts: Genre and emotional expression of music impact concurrent imaginings.

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Nanoplastics enhanced the developmental toxicity of aromatic disinfection byproducts to a marine polychaete at non-feeding early life stage.

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New insights into signaling pathways of cancer prevention effects of polysaccharides from edible and medicinal mushrooms.

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Noise effect on the 2d stochastic burgers equation.

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Occurrence, dietary sources, quantification and bioactivities of natural antioxidant ergothioneine – a longavity vitamin?

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One becomes three: An integrative morphological and molecular analysis of the windowpane oyster placuna (bivalvia: Pectinida) reveals new species.

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Optimizing resource allocation in uav-assisted ultra-dense networks for enhanced performance and security.

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Overview on signal transduction cascades regulation roles of garlic and its bioactive constituents.

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Personal competence or environmental characteristics? Factors influencing happiness among ageing adults in hong kong around the period of covid-19 pandemic.

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Population genetics and evolutionary history of the intertidal brittle star ophiothrix (ophiothrix) exigua in the northern china sea.

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A preconditioned minres method for block lower triangular toeplitz systems.

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Production of aviation fuel via thermal cracking of plastic waste.

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The productivity effect of digital financial reporting.

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Protein degrons and degradation: Exploring substrate recognition and pathway selection in plants.

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Prototypical resilience projects for postdisaster recovery planning: From theory to action.

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Refining sampling efforts for fish diversity assessment in subtropical urban estuarine and oceanic waters using environmental DNA with multiple primers.

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Regulating leaf photosynthesis and soil microorganisms through controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer can effectively alleviate the stress of elevated ambient ozone on winter wheat.

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Relationships between executive functions and computational thinking.

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The release of lipolytic hormones during various high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous training regimens and their effects on fat loss.

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The role of technology-based dance intervention for enhancing wellness: A systematic scoping review and meta-synthesis.

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Root activity and rhizospheric bacteria in response to nitrogen management in rice (oryza sativa l.).

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Serum uric acid levels associated with outcomes of neurodegenerative disorders and brain health: Findings from the uk biobank.

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A single-sided all-at-once preconditioning for linear system from a non-local evolutionary equation with weakly singular kernels.

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Stability and convergence of relaxed scalar auxiliary variable schemes for cahn-hilliard systems with bounded mass source.

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Study on roof-cutting and support of a retreating roadway under the double influence of large mining heights.

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Synergisitic anti-colorectal cancer effects of wnt974 combined with artesunate via cooperative regulation of p21, p27, and akt.

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A systematic review of aphantasia: Concept, measurement, neural basis, and theory development.

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Techno–economic modeling and safe operational optimization of multi-network constrained integrated community energy systems.

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Technological advances in elite sport: Where does one draw the line?

Muniz-Pardos, B., & Bekele, K., & Mayo, C.Pitsiladis, Y. 2024-09-01. Journal of Applied Physiology, 137(3), 646-648


Techno-service-profit chain: The impacts of iot-enabled algorithmic customer service systems from an interdisciplinary perspective1.

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Theoretical, methodological, and applied frontiers of behavioral geography in china.

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Thermo-chemical processes for the sustainable utilization of oil-bearing biomass: A case study on apricot seed valorization.

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A topic modeling-based bibliometric exploration of automatic summarization research.

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Transcriptomic and hormonal changes in wheat roots enhance growth under moderate soil drying.

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Tumor microenvironment based on extracellular matrix hydrogels for on-chip drug screening.

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Unveiling classroom assessment literacy: Does teachers’ self-directed development play out?

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The way you assess matters: User interaction design of survey chatbots for mental health.

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Weakly hydrophobic microenvironment-assisted membrane-based confined catalysis for efficient organoarsenic contamination removal.

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Weighted biomarker variability in joint analysis of longitudinal and time-to-event data.

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When things get personal: Understanding revenge by proxy as a function of consumer nationalism.

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Pediatric massage therapy in infants and children under 5 years: An umbrella review of systematic reviews.

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A study of a loss system with priorities.

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Capture of rna g-quadruplex structures using an l-rna aptamer.

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Aptamer functionalized hypoxia-potentiating agent and hypoxia-inducible factor inhibitor combined with hypoxia-activated prodrug for enhanced tumor therapy.

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Comparative effects of time-restricted feeding versus normal diet on physical performance and body composition in healthy adults with regular exercise habits: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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A double auction for charging scheduling among vehicles using dag-blockchains.

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Efficient glucose isomerization to fructose using photoregenerable mgsno3 catalyst with cooperative acid-base sites.

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Front cover: Efficient glucose isomerization to fructose using photoregenerable mgsno3 catalyst with cooperative acid-base sites (chemsuschem 16/2024).

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Interfacial ir-v direct metal bonding enhanced hydrogen evolution activity in vanadium oxides supported catalysts.

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Effective clustering on large attributed bipartite graphs.

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Effective edge-wise representation learning in edge-attributed bipartite graphs.

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Efficient topology-aware data augmentation for high-degree graph neural networks.

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Qgrl: Quaternion graph representation learning for heterogeneous feature data clustering.

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Accelerating carbon neutral power systems through innovation-driven cost reduction and regional collaboration.

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Boosting the photoelectrochemical performance of bivo4 by borate buffer activation: The role of trace iron impurities.

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Aloperine suppresses cancer progression by interacting with vps4a to inhibit autophagosome-lysosome fusion in nsclc.

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I feel anxious! What should i do?: Deciphering the motivations of social support interaction in parental mutual-aid community.

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Mechanistic investigation of sensitized europium luminescence: Excited state dynamics and luminescence lifetime thermometry.

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Association between the 24-hour movement behaviors and executive function in preschoolers.

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Transformer-based ai technology improves early ovarian cancer diagnosis using cfdna methylation markers.

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Predicting novel targets with bayesian machine learning by integrating multiple biological signatures.

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Current phthalate exposure risks of rural population in the northwest china: Evidence from an internal exposure study.

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Integration of animal behavioral assessment and convolutional neural network to study wasabi-alcohol taste-smell interaction.

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Real-world emission characteristics of vocs from typical cargo ships and their potential contributions to secondary organic aerosol and o3 under low-sulfur fuel policies.

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Lipid analyses of oil-bearing biomass using a thermally induced derivatization method.

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Ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and pm2.5 estimation from observation-model machine learning fusion over s. Korea: Influence of observation density, chemical transport model resolution, and geostationary remotely sensed aod.

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Plastic takeaway food containers may cause human intestinal damage in routine life usage: Microplastics formation and cytotoxic effect.

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Reactive oxygen species-responsive nanotherapy for the prevention and treatment of cerebral ischemia–reperfusion injury.

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Excitatory and inhibitory neuronal synapse unit: A novel recurrent cell for time series prediction.

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Recent developments on optical aptasensors for the detection of pro-inflammatory cytokines with advanced nanostructures.

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Tirzepatide and exercise training in obesity.

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Integrating e-portfolios into l2 classrooms: Education for future.

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Nontarget analysis of legacy and emerging pfas in a lithium-ion power battery recycling park and their possible toxicity measured using high-throughput phenotype screening.

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Bandwidth-aware and overlap-weighted compression for communication-efficient federated learning.

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Distributed minimax fair optimization over hierarchical networks.

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Bioaccumulation of diverse organic contaminants in oysters from highly dynamic estuary: Physicochemical properties and season-dependent characteristics.

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Intramolecular ch?? Attraction mediated conformational polymorphism of constrained helical peptides.

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Cenozoic history of the tropical marine biodiversity hotspot.

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New insights into sources, bioavailability, health-promoting effects, and applications of chitin and chitosan.

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Fifty shades of mass-elite discrepancy: Varieties of political dimensions and discrepancy forms.

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Lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles as nanoprobes for bioimaging.

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Mass-elite representation gap in old and new democracies: Critical junctures and elite agency.

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A near-infrared-ii excitable pyridinium probe with 1000-fold on/off ratio for ?-glutamyltranspeptidase and cancer detection.

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Reefal ostracod assemblages from the zanzibar archipelago (tanzania).

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Shadow of a critical juncture: Asymmetric politicization and elite agency.

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Air-sea exchange of pahs in the taiwan strait: Seasonal dynamics and regulation mechanisms revealed by machine learning approach.

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Differentiation of cellular responses to particulate and soluble constituents in sunscreen products.

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Highly efficient iridium(iii) phosphors with a 2-(4-benzylphenyl)pyridine-type ligand and their high-performance organic light-emitting diodes.

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Salt-assisted construction of hydrophilic carbon nitride photocatalysts with abundant water molecular adsorption sites for efficient hydrogen production.

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Achieving exceptional volumetric desalination capacity using compact mos2 nanolaminates.

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Activation of nrf2 inhibits atherosclerosis in apoe?/? Mice through suppressing endothelial cell inflammation and lipid peroxidation.

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Adsorption performance of chitosan and glutaraldehyde modified biochars for trivalent antimony in acidic wastewater.

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Age of obesity onset affects subcutaneous adipose tissue cellularity differently in the abdominal and femoral region.

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All-in-one self-healing and injectable cationic guar gum hydrogel dressing functionalized by bioactive complexes composed of natural small molecules.

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Ankle inversion proprioception measured during stair descent can identify chronic ankle instability.

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Assessing the impacts of reservoirs on riverine dissolved organic matter: Insights from the largest reservoir in the pearl river.

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Augmented lagrangian method for tensor low-rank and sparsity models in multi-dimensional image recovery.

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Cadmium impacts on calcium mineralization of zebrafish skeletal development and behavioral impairment.

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Changes in microbial dynamics and fermentation characteristics of alfalfa silage: A potent approach to mitigate greenhouse gas emission through high-quality forage silage.

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Characterizing growth-retarded japanese eels (anguilla japonica): Insights into metabolic and appetite regulation.

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Credibility of the evidence on green space and human health: An overview of meta-analyses using evidence grading approaches.

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Dance with wolves: Firm-level political risk and mergers and acquisitions.

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A data-driven approach to urban charging facility expansion based on bi-level optimization: A case study in a chinese city.

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Delphi studies in social and health sciences—recommendations for an interdisciplinary standardized reporting (delphistar). Results of a delphi study.

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Detecting compromised accounts caused by phone number recycling on e-commerce platforms: Taking meituan as an example.

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Direct conversion of cottonseeds into biodiesel.

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Distribution and risk assessment of antibiotic and bisphenol compounds residues in drinking water sources of guangdong.

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Does confusion really hurt novel class discovery?

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The effect of pv generation's hourly variations on israel's solar investment.

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The effect of time-restricted eating combined with exercise on body composition and metabolic health: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Efficacy and safety of chinese herbal formula cdd-2103 for remission maintenance of ulcerative colitis: Study protocol for a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.

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Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of adjunctive lacosamide therapy for focal seizures in young children aged ?1 month to ?4 years: A real-world study.

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Elimination of grain surface concavities for improved perovskite thin-film interfaces.

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Emission and optical characteristics of brown carbon in size-segregated particles from three types of chinese ships.

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Enhancement of english-bengali machine translation leveraging back-translation.

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Epithelial–mesenchymal plasticity in cancer: Signaling pathways and therapeutic targets.

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Establishment and characterization of a kidney cell line from hybrid snakehead (male channa argus × female channa maculata) and its susceptibility to hybrid snakehead rhabdovirus (hshrv).

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Exogenous salicylic acid alleviates physiological stress in salix matsudana seedlings and increases 2,4-dinitrophenol removal.

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For imagination or disillusionment? The social compensation and social enhancement effects on dating anxiety for online daters who fear being single.

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A fuzzy evidential reasoning-based model for evaluating resilience of ports to typhoons.

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Geopolitical strategies and transnational environmental governance: A comparative study of international ngos in cambodia.

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The geopolitics of outbound travel: Theorizing outgoing tourism as state strategy.

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Homogeneity tests and interval estimations of risk differences for stratified bilateral and unilateral correlated data.

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Honokiol alleviates monosodium urate-induced gouty pain by inhibiting voltage-gated proton channels in mice.

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Integrated metabolomics and serum-feces pharmacochemistry-based network pharmacology to reveal the mechanisms of an herbal prescription against ulcerative colitis.

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Integrating advanced techniques and machine learning for landfill leachate treatment: Addressing limitations and environmental concerns.

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Interpreting kantian religious judgment for the twenty-first century.

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Isotemporal substitution effects of daily time use on cardiorespiratory fitness of children in the optichild study: A mediation analysis with diet quality.

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Label disambiguation-based feature selection for partial label learning via fuzzy dependency and feature discernibility.

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Microplastics in hong kong's marine waters: Impact of rainfall and pearl river discharge.

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Mixed-method heat acclimation induces heat adaptations in international triathletes without training modification.

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Morphological, phylogenetic and metabolite profile of prorocentrum clipeus, a newly recorded epiphytic dinoflagellate in the northern yellow sea.

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Mxene@fe3o4/pda nanosheets with photothermal-magnetically coupled antibacterial properties.

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Neural mechanisms underpinning metacognitive shifts driven by non-informative predictions.

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Non-fullerene acceptors with heteroatom substitution on the core moiety for efficient organic photovoltaics.

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Offset boosting-based attractor doubling of rulkov neuron.

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Ordered mesoporous materials for water pollution treatment: Adsorption and catalysis.

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Organic blue carbon sequestration in vegetated coastal wetlands: Processes and influencing factors.

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Osteoprotegerin mediates adipogenesis in obesity.

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Oxophilic vanadium and deprotonated ruthenium atoms on tungsten carbide with accelerated intermediate migration for high-performance seawater hydrogen evolution.

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Palaeontological signatures of the anthropocene are distinct from those of previous epochs.

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A palimpsest of hong kong futures across three fictions (1962-2046).

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A priori error estimate of nonconforming virtual element method for convection dominated diffusion equation.

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Protocol for the reporting assessment of clinical trials with non-pharmacological therapies in chinese medicine.

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The provision and perceptions of telemedicine services among traditional chinese medicine practitioners during covid-19: A cross-sectional study in hong kong, china.

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Rechoreonet: Repertoire-based dance re-choreography with music-conditioned temporal and style clues.

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Reducing parenting stress in chinese parents of children with learning disabilities with a mindful parenting program: A randomized controlled trial.

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Reference-dependent discounting.

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The relationship between childhood trauma, ptsd symptoms, and perceived leadership competence: Have we protected our future leaders?

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The response of agricultural drought to meteorological drought modulated by air temperature.

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Rethinking orthographic neighbor in chinese two-character word recognition: Insights from a megastudy.

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Robust overbooking for no-shows and cancellations in healthcare.

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The roles of dietary polyphenols at crosstalk between type 2 diabetes and alzheimer's disease in ameliorating oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction via pi3k/akt signaling pathways.

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Shrinkage estimation for location and scale parameters of logistic distribution under record values.

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Simulating time-harmonic acoustic wave effects induced by periodic holes/inclusions on surfaces.

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Size-dependent deleterious effects of nano- and microplastics on sperm motility.

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Social grooming on social media and older adults’ life satisfaction: Testing a moderated mediation model.

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Statistics did not prove that the huanan seafood wholesale market was the early epicentre of the covid-19 pandemic.

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Stream label distribution learning processing via broad learning system.

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Suppressing spikelet degeneration increases grain yield under moderate soil drying during meiosis in rice.

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Technology as resistance pioneers of korean media art from the 1960s to the 1990s.

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Transcriptomic analysis reveals the endocrine toxicity of tributyltin and triphenyltin on the whelk reishia clavigera and mechanisms of imposex formation.

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Transparency and reporting characteristics of randomized controlled trials with chinese herbal medicine formulas interventions.

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Understanding thermal stratification and circulation dynamics in fuxian lake: Insights from efdc simulation study.

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The use of dress to navigate pregnancy and postpartum in ghana.

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Viterbi-viterbi carrier phase estimation for multi-ring m-apsk with wiener carrier phase noise and its performance.

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Whole-cell visualization of plant organelles by electron tomography.

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Electrochemical co2-to-co via enriched oxygen vacancies at gold/ceria interfaces.

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Impact of marine shipping emissions on ozone pollution during the warm seasons in china.

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Fasthgnn: A new sampling technique for learning with hypergraph neural networks.

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Hydrothermal liquefaction of different waste biomass using green solvent 2-methyltetrahydrofuran as extractant and co-solvent.

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Magnetic flexible sensor with randomly distributed pine-branch microstructure for bidirectional recognition.

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Ruthenium-catalyzed sequential hydrosilylation/dehydrogenation and c-h silylation: Synthesis of six-membered indole silacycles and pyrrole silyl ether cycles.

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Heat-related risk at paris 2024: A proposal for classification and review of international federations policies.

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Advances in the application of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry.

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Unveiling the energy storage mechanism of mno2 polymorphs for zinc-manganese dioxide batteries.

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Hook-like dnazyme-activated autocatalytic biosensor for the universal detection of pathogenic bacteria.

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Stereoselective bioconcentration and neurotoxicity of perfluoroethylcyclohexane sulfonate in marine medaka.

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Bionic-leaf vein inspired breathable anti-impact wearable electronics with health monitoring, electromagnetic interference shielding and thermal management.

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Deployment of carbon removal technologies could reduce the rapid and potentially disruptive pace of decarbonization in south africa's climate ambitions.

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Fabrication of robust superhydrophobic myristic acid/zro2 coating with improved anti-icing and anti-corrosion for concrete via a two-step method.

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Cell space: Augmented awareness of intercorporeality.

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Expert-level diagnosis of pediatric posterior fossa tumors via consistency calibration.

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The profile of blood microbiome in new-onset type 1 diabetes children.

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'Sisyphus': A robotic vignette of systemic conflict and democratic endeavors.

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Repurposing as1411 for constructing anm-protacs.

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Enhanced photomultiplication in filter-free organic photodetectors for red and nir light sensing using minimal nonfullerene blends.

Shi, L., & Li, Y., & Jiao, J., & Zhang, Y., & Li, G., et al. 2024-07-17. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12(29), 10879-10888


Mir-23b-3p improves brain damage after status epilepticus by reducing the formation of pathological high-frequency oscillations via inhibition of cx43 in rat hippocampus.

Yi, Y., & Zhang, S., & Dai, J., & Zheng, H., & Peng, X., et al. 2024-07-17. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 15(14), 2633-2642


What employers really want: A deep dive into résumés and holistic competencies.

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Global daily mask use estimation in the pandemic and its post environmental health risks: Analysis based on a validated dynamic mathematical model.

Zhang, Y., & Jiang, F., & Li, F., & Lu, S., & Liu, Z., et al. 2024-07-15. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 473(-), -


Metabolic signatures of prenatal exposure to 'cocktails' of benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles and its health implications.

Zhou, Y., & Xie, P., & Cao, G., & Ran, J., & Xu, S., et al. 2024-07-15. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 473(-), -


Pien tze huang (pzh) protects endothelial function in diabetic mice.

Chen, Q., & Hao, H., & Guo, Z., & Zuo, Y., & Cheng, C. K., et al. 2024-07-15. Life Sciences, 349(-), -


Neglected but crucial role played by rainwater in the photodegradation of plastic.

Duan, J., & Zheng, D., & Tam, N. F., & Brigante, M., & Mailhot, G., et al. 2024-07-12. ACS ES and T Water, 4(7), 2859-2870


Self-domestication: Wan kin-lau’s self-translations at the iowa writers’ workshop.

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Ultrafast hole preservation with undercoordinated tungsten for efficient solar-to-chemical conversion.

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Battery recycling models selection and contractual incentives: From an information sharing perspective.

Feng, L., & Qu, M., & Ng, A. K. Y., & Jia, P.Kuang, H. 2024-07-10. Journal of Cleaner Production, 462(-), -


Effects of copper on chemical kinetics and brown carbon formation in the aqueous ?Oh oxidation of phenolic compounds.

Yang, J., & Zhou, T., & Lyu, Y., & Mabato, B. R. G., & Lam, J. C., et al. 2024-07-10. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 26(9), 1526-1542


From tissue lesions to neurotoxicity: The devastating effects of small-sized nanoplastics on red drum sciaenops ocellatus.

Sun, Z., & Peng, X., & Zhao, L., & Yang, Y., & Zhu, Y., et al. 2024-07-10. Science of the Total Environment, 933(-), -


Nonlinear time effects of vegetation response to climate change: Evidence from qilian mountain national park in china.

Li, Q., & Gao, X., & Li, J., & Yan, A., & Chang, S., et al. 2024-07-10. Science of the Total Environment, 933(-), -


Price responsiveness of solar and wind capacity demands.

Woo, C. K., & Cao, K. H., & Qi, H. S., & Zarnikau, J.Li, R. 2024-07-10. Journal of Cleaner Production, 462(-), -


Risk assessment of e-waste - liquid crystal monomers re-suspension caused by coastal dredging operations.

He, C., & Stocchino, A., & He, Y., & Leung, K. M. Y., & De Leo, F., et al. 2024-07-10. Science of the Total Environment, 933(-), -


Ugncl: Uncertainty-guided noisy correspondence learning for efficient cross-modal matching.

Zha, Q., & Liu, X., & Cheung, Y.-M., & Xu, X., & Wang, N., et al. 2024-07-10. SIGIR 2024 - Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, -(-), 852-861


The hunt for chemical dark matter across a river-to-ocean continuum.

Cai, R., & Yao, P., & Yi, Y., & Merder, J., & Li, P., et al. 2024-07-09. Environmental Science and Technology, 58(27), 11988-11997


Molecular engineering of a theranostic molecule that detects a? Plaques, inhibits iowa and dutch mutation a? Self-aggregation and promotes lysosomal biogenesis for alzheimer's disease.

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Recent progress of oligomeric non-fullerene acceptors for efficient and stable organic solar cells.

Qi, F., & Li, Y., & Lin, F. R.Jen, A. K. Y. 2024-07-08. ChemSusChem, 17(13), -


Admetlab 3.0: An updated comprehensive online admet prediction platform enhanced with broader coverage, improved performance, api functionality and decision support.

Fu, L., & Shi, S., & Yi, J., & Wang, N., & He, Y., et al. 2024-07-05. Nucleic Acids Research, 52(1), W422-W431


Chemfh: An integrated tool for screening frequent false positives in chemical biology and drug discovery.

Shi, S., & Fu, L., & Yi, J., & Yang, Z., & Zhang, X., et al. 2024-07-05. Nucleic Acids Research, 52(1), W439-W449


Preparation of copper-manganese superhydrophobic coating with self-cleaning and anticorrosion resistance by one-step electrodeposition.

Tang, L., & Liu, X., & Zhang, X., & Yang, C., & Li, T., et al. 2024-07-05. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 692(-), -


Confirming the occurrence of two fiddler crabs, tubuca dussumieri (h. Milne edwards, 1852) and t. Coarctata (h. Milne edwards, 1852) (crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae), in hong kong by DNA barcoding and morphology.

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State-dependent tacs effects reveal the potential causal role of prestimulus alpha traveling waves in visual contrast detection.

Wei, J., & Alamia, A., & Yao, Z., & Huang, G., & Li, L., et al. 2024-07-03. Journal of Neuroscience, 44(27), -


Satellite tracking reveals the speed up of the lacustrine algal bloom drift in response to climate change.

Wang, D., & Li, L., & Ning, R., & Shao, Y., & Li, H., et al. 2024-07-02. Environmental Science and Technology, 58(26), 11727-11736


Tuning vertical electrodeposition for dendrites-free zinc-ion batteries.

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Wildfire-derived pyrogenic organic matter posing overlooked emerging risks to aquatic ecosystems.

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The 2nd asian conference on porphyrins, phthalocyanines and related materials.

Zhu, G., & Yang, Z., & Li, S., & Zhu, W., & Cao, R., et al. 2024-07-01. Chinese Chemical Letters, 35(7), -


24-h movement behaviors and physical fitness in preschoolers: A compositional and isotemporal reallocation analysis.

Song, H., & Lau, P. W. C., & Wang, J., & Liu, Y., & Song, Y., et al. 2024-07-01. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 22(3), 187-193


Associated factors of loneliness among primary school students.

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Cationic iridium(iii) complexes bearing different bulky n,n?-chelating ligands.

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Chromatic acclimating synechococcus dominate in mesoscale eddies.

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Coastal wind retrievals from corrected quikscat normalized radar cross sections.

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Computational software afepack: A general-purpose c++ library for numerical solutions of partial differential equations.

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Constructing care-based corporate social responsibility (csr) communication during the covid-19 pandemic: A comparison of fortune 500 companies in china and the united states.

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Constructing memristive hindmarsh-rose neuron with countless coexisting firings.

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Deep learning-based analysis of emotional and content relevance between bullet screens and subtitles as movie narrative medium.

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A deep semantic-aware approach for cantonese rumor detection in social networks with graph convolutional network.

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Deep tensor spectral clustering network via ensemble of multiple affinity tensors.

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D-pbs: Dueling priority-based search for multiple nonholonomic robots motion planning in congested environments.

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Effects of first vs. Third-person perspective and self- versus other-avatars on user movements in virtual reality.

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Emerging contaminants: A one health perspective.

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Enhancement of syngas through integrating carbon dioxide in the catalytic pyrolysis of plantation waste.

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Evaluating the impact of rail transit network expansion on travel behavior in shenzhen, china: A causal analysis across different stages of development.

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An exhibition about a well-known architect: Challenge or opportunity? Beyond: Tadao ando and art.

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Firm input choice under trade policy uncertainty.

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Gambogenic acid induces apoptosis via upregulation of noxa in oral squamous cell carcinoma.

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Gender-related institutional environments, gender pay gap/equality and prosocial behaviors: A cross-national meta-analysis.

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Gender-specific effects of polystyrene nanoplastic exposure on triclosan-induced reproductive toxicity in zebrafish (danio rerio).

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A global test for heteroscedastic one-way fmanova with applications.

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The golden era of fruit juices-based probiotic beverages: Recent advancements and future possibilities.

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Harnessing spatial transcriptomics for advancing plant regeneration research.

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The hawthorn (crataegus pinnatifida bge.) fruit as a new dietary source of bioactive ingredients with multiple beneficial functions.

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Hole-selective contact with molecularly tailorable reactivity for passivating high-performing inverted perovskite solar cells.

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Ifdeepre: Large protein language-based deep learning enables interpretable and fast predictions of enzyme commission numbers.

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An imitation learning based algorithm enabling priori knowledge transfer in modern electricity markets for bayesian nash equilibrium estimation.

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The impact of company participation in supply chain alliances on the cost of equity capital: Evidence from china.

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The impact of facial attractiveness and alleged personality traits on fairness decisions in the ultimatum game: Evidence from erps.

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Incorporating spatial autocorrelation into gpp estimation using eigenvector spatial filtering.

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The influence of medial and lateral forefoot height discrepancy on lower limb biomechanical characteristics during the stance phase of running.

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Internal governance and corporate social responsibility performance.

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Investigation on the potential functions of zmepf/epfl family members in response to abiotic stress in maize.

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Learning hierarchical preferences for recommendation with mixture intention neural stochastic processes.

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Marketing experts are always right…aren't they? Disentangling the effects of expertise and decision-making processes.

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A matching schur complement preconditioning technique for inverse source problems.

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Modified zhenwu decoction suppresses chronic colitis via targeting macrophage ccr2/fyn/p38 mapk signaling axis.

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More than words: Do personality, emotion, and lifestyle matter on the wine tourism?

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Nash’s existence theorem for non-compact strategy sets †.

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Nitrogen-modified manganese oxide activated peroxymonosulfate for pollutant degradation: Primary role of interstitial n sites.

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Notoginsenoside r1 promotes lgr5+ stem cell and epithelium renovation in colitis mice via activating wnt/?-catenin signaling.

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Online health information seeking, health anxiety and cyberchondria among men who engage in sexual risk taking: The mediating role of medical consultation about hiv/aids.

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Optical-gradient-force-induced nonlinearity in coupled microcavities.

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Pairing up with anthropomorphized artificial agents: Leveraging employee creativity in service encounters.

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Passing on the whistle: Users’ creative engagement with platform censorship in an online relay campaign in china.

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Physical fitness levels and trends of kindergarteners in hong kong during the covid-19 pandemic.

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The politics of assembling pilots: Policy networks and selection strategies in top-down climate experimentation.

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Polyplatinaynes functionalized with pyrazoline derivatives.

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A ?-preconditioner for space fractional diffusion equation with non-separable variable coefficients.

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Predictability in human mobility: From individual to collective (vision paper).

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A premium for positive social interest and attractive voices in the acceptability of unfair offers? An erp study.

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Prenatal exposure to multiple environmental chemicals and birth size.

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Prescribed performance tracking control of time-delay nonlinear systems with output constraints.

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The relationship among generalized trust, social networks, and social resources across 30 countries.

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Research on drug treatment and the novel signaling pathway of chronic atrophic gastritis.

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Revisiting the quantification of power plant co2 emissions in the united states and china from satellite: A comparative study using three top-down approaches.

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Sclerostin inhibition in rare bone diseases: Molecular understanding and therapeutic perspectives.

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The second smallest normalized laplacian eigenvalue of unicyclic graphs.

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Severe flood modulates the sources and age of dissolved organic carbon in the yangtze river estuary.

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Sham acupuncture reporting guidelines and a checklist in clinical trials.

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Social work beyond the pandemic: Exploring social work values for a new eco-social world.

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Spectral algorithms for functional linear regression.

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State-equivalent form and minimum-order compensator design for rectangular descriptor systems.

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Synthesis, characterization and photovoltaic properties of polyplatinaynes with side chain functionalization by different electron-accepting group.

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Temporal trends of key commercial species under live reef food fish trade in hong kong.

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Testing the deep-sea glacial disturbance hypothesis as a cause of low, present-day norwegian sea diversity and resulting steep latitudinal diversity gradient, using fossil records.

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Tetrathiomolybdate alleviates osteoporosis by activating the pi3k/akt signaling axis.

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A time-consistency curriculum for learning from instance-dependent noisy labels.

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Treating acute low back pain with acupuncture: A randomized controlled study protocol to compare the effectiveness between distal and local acupoints.

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Ultrafast source mask optimization via conditional discrete diffusion.

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Unraveling the dynamics of employee retention in asian organizations: Exploring the interplay of organizational identification, affective commitment, and trust in leadership.

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Unrestricted molecular motions enable mild photothermy for recurrence-resistant flash antitumor radiotherapy.

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Vectorized building extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images using spatial cognitive graph convolution model.

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Volatility forecasts by clustering: Applications for var estimation.

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Identifying the nonlinear dynamics of logistic mapping using the modified 0-1 test for chaos.

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Preparation of ?-carrageenan oligosaccharides by photocatalytic degradation: Structural characterization and antioxidant activity.

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Preparation, characterization, stability, and controlled release of chitosan-coated zein/shellac nanoparticles for the delivery of quercetin.

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An in situ spectroscopic study of 2d cus/ti3c2 photocatalytic co2 reduction to c1 and c2.

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Free-standing janus nanosheets: Ultrafast self-assembly and versatile biphase-application.

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Editorial: The infodemic, young consumers and responsible stakeholdership.

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Imidacloprid-induced lung injury in mice: Activation of the pi3k/akt/nf-?B signaling pathway via tlr4 receptor engagement.

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A shared affinity for complexity: Exploring cross-modal aesthetic experiences.

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Catalytic conversion of chitin-based biomass to nitrogen-containing chemicals.

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Co-exposure of polystyrene nanoplastics and copper induces development toxicity and intestinal mitochondrial dysfunction in vivo and in vitro.

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In situ measurement of organic aerosol molecular markers in urban hong kong during a summer period: Temporal variations and source apportionment.

Li, H., & Lyu, X., & Xue, L., & Huo, Y., & Yao, D., et al. 2024-06-20. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24(12), 7085-7100


In situ oxidized mxene improves co2 reduction activity of copc.

Su, J., & Song, Y.Ye, R. 2024-06-20. Chem Catalysis, 4(6), -


Injectable ozone-rich nanocomposite hydrogel loaded with d-mannose for anti-inflammatory and cartilage protection in osteoarthritis treatment.

Wu, H., & Wang, J., & Lin, Y., & He, W., & Hou, J., et al. 2024-06-19. Small, 20(25), -


Minimizing contact resistance and flicker noise in micro graphene hall sensors using persistent carbene modified gold electrodes.

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Moderating ac usage can reduce thermal disparity between indoor and outdoor environments.

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Insights into chemical components, health-promoting effects, and processing impact of golden chanterelle mushroom cantharellus cibarius.

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Machine learning models for evaluating biological reactivity within molecular fingerprints of dissolved organic matter over time.

Zhao, C., & Wang, K., & Jiao, Q., & Xu, X., & Yi, Y., et al. 2024-06-16. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11), -


Applications of charcoal, activated charcoal, and biochar in aquaculture – a review.

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Perovskite/organic tandem device to realize light detection and emission dual function.

Li, N., & Hu, X., & Tang, Y., & Lei, Y., & Suet Lau, Y., et al. 2024-06-15. Chemical Engineering Journal, 490(-), -


Submerged plant-biochar composite system exhibits effective control over residual organic pollutants in the benthic organisms of aquaculture ponds.

Li, J.-Y., & Yao, S., & Mo, Z., & Miao, Y., & Chen, Y., et al. 2024-06-15. Environmental Pollution, 351(-), -


Dicobalt(ii) helices kill colon cancer cells via enantiomer-specific mechanisms; DNA damage or microtubule disruption.

Song, H., & Kostrhunova, H., & Cervinka, J., & Macpherson, J., & Malina, J., et al. 2024-06-14. Chemical Science, 15(28), 11029-11037


Enhancing molecular property prediction through task-oriented transfer learning: Integrating universal structural insights and domain-specific knowledge.

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Ultrastable n-type semiconducting fiber organic electrochemical transistors for highly sensitive biosensors.

Wang, X., & Zhang, Z., & Li, P., & Xu, J., & Zheng, Y., et al. 2024-06-13. Advanced Materials, 36(24), -


Dynamic multi-fpga prototyping platforms with simultaneous networking, placement and routing.

Zang, X., & Luo, Q., & Shao, Z., & Zhang, J., & Young, E. F. Y., et al. 2024-06-12. Proceedings of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI, -(-), 433-439


Tissue accumulation and biotransformation of 6ppd-quinone in adult zebrafish and its effects on the intestinal microbial community.

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N-heterocyclic carbene catalyzed [2 + 3] annulation reaction for the synthesis of trifluoroethyl 3,2?-spirooxindole ?-lactam.

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Sierra: A counterfactual thinking-based visual interface for property graph query construction.

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Differentially private stochastic gradient descent with low-noise.

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Dynamic-mlcs: Fast searching for dynamic multiple longest common subsequences in sequence stream data.

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The japanese film ai amok (2020) and the collapse of realist ai vision.

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Eliminating the burn-in loss of efficiency in organic solar cells by applying dimer acceptors as supramolecular stabilizers.

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Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract alleviates nash in mice: Exploration of inflammation and gut microbiota.

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Differential cellular uptake and trafficking of nanoplastics in two hemocyte subpopulations of mussels perna viridis.

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Enantio- and regioselective cascade hydroboration of methylenecyclopropanes for facile access to chiral 1,3- and 1,4-bis(boronates).

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Hidden danger: The long-term effect of ultrafine particles on mortality and its sociodemographic disparities in new york state.

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Response to correspondence on glioma is associated with exposure to legacy and alternative per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

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Constructing ionic interfaces for stable electrochemical co2 reduction.

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The prevalence of marine lipophilic phycotoxins causes potential risks in a tropical small island developing state.

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Anaerobic mono-digestion and co-digestion of food waste and mixed sewage sludge: A comparative analysis of metabolic patterns and taxonomic profiles.

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Antenna array diagnosis using a deep learning approach.

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Assessing resilience of global liner shipping network to tropical cyclones.

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Associations of bisphenol a exposure with metabolic syndrome and its components: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Badlabel: A robust perspective on evaluating and enhancing label-noise learning.

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Beginning and first-year language teachers’ readiness for the generative ai age.

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Between technological utopia and dystopia: Online expression of compulsory use of surveillance technology.

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Beyond neighborhood design: Exploring the effects of smart growth on older adults’ travel behavior over time.

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Breaking free from the digital rabbit hole: A configurational analysis of in-class smartphone distraction among university students.

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Centipeda minima (l.) a. Braun & asch. And its representative active compound alleviate dss-induced ulcerative colitis via inhibition of nlrp3 inflammasome activation and regulation of gut microbiota.

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Charge compensation improves energy transfer to realize anti-thermal-quenching and enhances the camoo4: Sm3+ phosphors optical temperature measurement sensitivity base on the fir model.

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Chinese university english teachers’ perceptions and practices of critical thinking: Challenging discourses of deficit.

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Climate-adaptive strategies for enhancing agricultural resilience in southeastern coastal bangladesh: Insights from farmers and stakeholders.

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A comparative analysis of alternative splicing patterns in atlantic salmon (salmo salar) in response to moritella viscosa and sea lice (lepeophtheirus salmonis) infection.

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Comparing discriminating abilities of evaluation metrics in link prediction.

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Corporate social irresponsibility and the occurrence of data breaches: A stakeholder management perspective.

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Creative potential and creative self-belief: Measurement invariance in cross-cultural contexts.

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A data envelopment analysis based evaluation of sustainable energy generation portfolio scenarios.

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Deep learning electromagnetic inversion solver based on a two-step framework for high-contrast and heterogeneous scatterers.

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Deep learning-based multi-modal data integration enhancing breast cancer disease-free survival prediction.

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Design of clinical trials in integrative medicine: The issue of personalization.

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Developing secondary school english language learners' productive and critical use of chatgpt.

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Discrete-time adaptive fuzzy command filtered backstepping control for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle systems: Theory and experiments.

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Do share repurchases facilitate movement toward target capital structure? International evidence.

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Economic policy uncertainty and co-control of air pollutants and co2: Evidence from 282 cities in china.

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Editorial for the special issue cytokines in inflammatory signaling.

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Effect of home-based acupressure on constipation in people with spinal cord injury: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial with a mixed-method approach.

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The effects of generative ai on initial language teacher education: The perceptions of teacher educators.

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Efficient and effective calibration of numerical model outputs using hierarchical dynamic models.

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Elasticity meets topology.

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Elucidation of anti-obesity mechanisms of phenolics in artemisiae argyi folium (aiye) by integrating lc-ms, network pharmacology, and molecular docking.

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Emotional responses and psychological health among young people amid climate change, fukushima's radioactive water release, and wars in ukraine and the middle east, and the mediating roles of media exposure and nature connectedness: A cross-national analysis.

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Enabling efficient, verifiable, and secure conjunctive keyword search in hybrid-storage blockchains.

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Enhanced deep learning approach for electromagnetic forward modeling of dielectric target within the wide frequency band using deep residual convolutional neural network.

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Enhancing healthcare decision support through explainable ai models for risk prediction.

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Enhancing organizational identification through leader humor: The roles of positive affect and organizational justice.

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Evaluating perovskite solar panels for thermal stability and inclination performance through finite element modelling.

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Evaluation of free radical-induced structural changes and their effect on antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of uv/h2o2-degraded dextrans.

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Event-triggered adaptive neural network tracking control for uncertain systems with unknown input saturation based on command filters.

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Expanding victim-centred postcrisis communication through memorials: A case study of lufthansa's communication efforts following the 2015 germanwings plane crash.

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Exploiting counter-examples for active learning with partial labels.

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Exploring tumor heterogeneity in colorectal liver metastases by imaging: Unsupervised machine learning of preoperative ct radiomics features for prognostic stratification.

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Family dinner frequency, parent-organised informal learning activities, and student academic performance: Evidence from chinese eighth-grade students.

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Fast exploring literature by language machine learning for perovskite solar cell materials design.

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Features of emerging adulthood, perceived stress and life satisfaction in hong kong emerging adults.

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Fourth-order conservative non-splitting semi-lagrangian hermite weno schemes for kinetic and fluid simulations.

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Free nitrous acid-assisted bioresource recovery from anaerobic digestion of organic materials.

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Generalization analysis of deep cnns under maximum correntropy criterion.

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Global quantification of emerging and legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in indoor dust: Levels, profiles and human exposure.

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Gut dysbiosis induced by florfenicol increases susceptibility to aeromonas hydrophila infection in zebrafish danio rerio after the recommended withdrawal period.

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Identification of sedative-hypnotic compounds shared by five medicinal polyporales mushrooms using uplc-q-tof-ms/ms-based untargeted metabolomics.

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Ilex pubescens inhibits pyroptosis post-myocardial infarction through suppression of the ros/nlrp3 pathway.

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Impact of environmental factors changes induced by marine heatwaves and heavy precipitation on antibiotic toxicity to isochrysis galbana: Implications for climate change adaptation.

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The impact of new-type urbanization policy on urban green total factor productivity: New evidence from china.

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The impact of short video addiction on self-identity: Mediating roles of self-esteem and appearance anxiety.

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Intercalation in 2d materials and in situ studies.

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Interferon regulatory factors inhibit tilv replication by activating interferon-a3 in tilapia (oreochromis niloticus).

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International communication: On the significance of borders in the digital borderless world.

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International multimodal transport connectivity assessment of multimodal transport from mainland china to europe.

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Investigating the making of organizational social responsibility as a polyphony of voices: A ventriloquial analysis of practitioners’ interactions.

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Isoalantolactone exerts anti-melanoma effects via inhibiting pi3k/akt/mtor and stat3 signaling in cell and mouse models.

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Large deviation principle for multi-scale distribution-dependent stochastic differential equations driven by fractional brownian motions.

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Let's get physical! A time-lagged examination of the motivation for daily physical activity and implications for next-day performance and health.

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Life-world design: A career counseling program for future orientations of school students.

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Microplastics from face mask impairs sperm motility.

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Moral characteristics predicting covid-19 vaccination.

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Morphologically engineered multi-component organic solar cells with stratified donor distribution and alloyed acceptors for enhanced efficiency and stability.

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Navigating the double-edged sword: Executive hubris and its impact on customer acquisition and retention.

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Odcl: An object disentanglement and contrastive learning model for few-shot industrial defect detection.

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Olch: Online label consistent hashing for streaming cross-modal retrieval.

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Online binary classification from similar and dissimilar data.

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Partitioning the contribution of bees with different traits and hoverflies to flower-visitor interaction networks.

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Pasteurized akkermansia muciniphila and its outer membrane protein amuc_1100 alleviate alcoholic liver disease through modulating gut microbiota and host metabolism.

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Patnet: Propensity-adjusted temporal network for joint imputation and prediction using binary ehrs with observation bias.

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Photochemical reduction of ultrasmall pt nanoparticles on single-layer transition-metal dichalcogenides for hydrogen evolution reactions.

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Polarized message-passing in graph neural networks.

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Predicting intubation for intensive care units patients: A deep learning approach to improve patient management.

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Prediction of acute toxicity for chlorella vulgaris caused by tire wear particle-derived compounds using quantitative structure-activity relationship models.

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The present state and challenges of active learning in drug discovery.

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Prevalence and validity of icd-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (ptsd) and complex ptsd: A population-based survey of hong kong adults.

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Public relations lessons from the pandemic: A systematic review of the covid-19 research in public relations published from 2020 to early 2023.

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Qi-dan-dihuang decoction ameliorates renal fibrosis in diabetic rats via p38mapk/akt/mtor signaling pathway.

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A recognition-based study of frustrations, risks, and navigation in career transition among educationally disadvantaged young women.

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The response of roots and the rhizosphere environment to integrative cultivation practices in paddy rice.

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Roles of cytokines in alzheimer’s disease.

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The roles of epigenetic regulation in graft-versus-host disease.

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A scaled dirichlet-based predictive model for occupancy estimation in smart buildings.

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Screen then select: A strategy for correlated predictors in high-dimensional quantile regression.

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Sight and blindness: The relationship between ostracod eyes, water depth, and light availability in the arctic ocean.

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Simulating the land use change effects on non-point source pollution in the duliujian river basin.

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Stochastic averaging principle for neutral stochastic functional differential equations driven by g-lévy process.

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Strength, power and aerobic capacity of transgender athletes: A cross-sectional study.

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A survey of machine learning-based ride-hailing planning.

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Synergy of metallic co and oxygen vacancy sites in co/ce-mof catalysts for efficiently promoting lignin derived phenols and macromolecular lignin hydrodeoxygenation.

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Teaching about marginalized groups using a digital human library: Lessons learned.

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Testing multivariate normality based on beta-representative points.

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Transferable graph auto-encoders for cross-network node classification.

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Understanding non-normative civil resistance under repression: Evidence from hong kong and chile.

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Understanding the positive and negative effects of team virtuality: A theoretical review and research agenda.

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Understanding the usefulness of e-portfolios: Linking artefacts, reflection, and validation.

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Universal gaussian elimination hardware for cryptographic purposes.

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University students’ vaccination intention after the fifth wave of the covid-19 outbreak in hong kong: Inspiration from a health belief model.

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Uv-based advanced oxidation processes for antibiotic resistance control: Efficiency, influencing factors, and energy consumption.

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Variable selection for distributed sparse regression under memory constraints.

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Variable selection for semivarying coefficient models via local averaging.

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Virtual humans as social actors: Investigating user perceptions of virtual humans’ emotional expression on social media.

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The virtue of a controlling leadership style: Authoritarian leadership, work stressors, and leader power distance orientation.

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When self-love is threatened: Adopting a dual-type view to understand leader narcissism and its impacts on lmx and newcomer work outcomes.

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Wife-beating endorsements among african youths: Current prevalence and predictors in 14 sub-saharan african countries from 2015 to 2021.

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Women’s issues, critical actors and the media: Substantive representation of women and gendered media coverage in south korea.

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Xplace: An extremely fast and extensible placement framework.

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