
HKBU COMP annual Postgraduate Research Symposium nurtures excellence in academic pursuits

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a group photo of Professor Li Baochun from the University of Toronto, panel members and postgraduate students of the Department of Computer Science (COMP)

The annual Postgraduate Research Symposium, a highly anticipated event on the calendar of the postgraduates of the Department of Computer Science (COMP), was successfully held on June 2-3, 2023 (Friday to Saturday). The two-day event featured stimulating presentations, poster exhibitions, and a newly introduced off-campus day camp for relaxation and fun activities.
The Symposium kicked off with an inspiring keynote speech by Professor Li Baochun from the University of Toronto, titled “Writing Perfect Papers (Abridged and Updated, 2023)”. Professor Li shared his expertise in crafting exceptional academic research papers and provided practical tips to the students on how to embark on research journeys, identify significant problems, maximise reproducibility, ensure equitable comparisons, draw robust conclusions, track research progress, and uphold the paramount importance of meticulous editing.
This year, nearly fifty postgraduates presented their research covering various topics, including artificial intelligence, database management, computer vision, machine learning, recommender systems, blockchain technology, networking, and related fields. The Symposium provided an annual platform for students to showcase their research work, receive feedback and suggestions, refine their ideas, and improve the quality of their research.
“This annual Postgraduate Research Symposium has become an integral part of the postgraduate education in the Department,” said Professor Xu Jianliang, Head of the Department. “It not only takes stock of our students’ research progress, enhances their performance through constructive discussions among the peers and Faculty members, but it also builds strong connections through different social activities to provide the best postgraduate learning experience.”
To foster camaraderie among students, the Department organised different social events such as barbecues, hiking, and doing sports. This year, an off-campus day camp was introduced after the rigorous poster presentations. The postgraduates had a great time and relished the opportunity to unwind and connect with each other, further strengthening their bonds.


Winners of the 26th Postgraduate Research Symposium

Research Excellence Award

  • Ms Lyu Fei
  • Mr Sun Zitan
  • Mr Xing Wenpeng
  • Mr Zhu Jianing

Best Presentation Award

  • Ms Liu Mutong
  • Mr Wang Haixinn
  • Mr Wang Qizhou
  • Mr Yin Chong

Best Poster Award

  • Mr Lin Hongzhan
  • Mr Jiang Junkun
  • Ms Sun Longxu

Please click here for more photos.

Professor Li delivers a keynote speech on the art of crafting exceptional academic papers, offering invaluable insights and tips on achieving writing perfection.

Professor Li delivers a keynote speech on the art of crafting exceptional academic papers, offering invaluable insights and tips on achieving writing perfection.

The COMP postgraduate students showcase their research progress at the Symposium.

The COMP postgraduate students showcase their research progress at the Symposium.

The students and staff members of the Department of Computer Science feel excited to embark on a wonderful, social and adventure-filled day at the HKAYP Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp.

The students and staff members of the Department of Computer Science feel excited to embark on a wonderful, social and adventure-filled day at the HKAYP Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp.

The students enjoy a diverse range of leisure activities at the day camp, including cooking, making tie-dyed shirts, exploring the adventure park and rock climbing.

The students enjoy a diverse range of leisure activities at the day camp, including cooking, making tie-dyed shirts, exploring the adventure park and rock climbing.