A research team led by HKBU has launched an online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme to meet the depression-related service needs in Hong Kong. The programme will recruit 400 participants with depressive symptoms and provide training next year to around 200 local mental health professionals.
Designed and launched by a team led by Dr Pan Jiayan, Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, the online CBT programme named “Confront and Navigate Depression Online (CANDO)” targets Hong Kong people with mild to moderate depressive symptoms. It provides them with easy access to counselling services and reduces the stigma associated with depression.
CANDO helps participants cope with their depression by adjusting how they think and what they do, and it also incorporates problem-solving approaches as well as adopts a blended mode of service delivery.
The programme is supported by a grant of more than HK$4 million from the Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living, a scheme from the Innovation and Technology Bureau.
Please click here for more details.

The team that develops CANDO and the partners of the programme: (from left) Mr Kelvin Yuen, Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Wellness Link - Tsuen Wan; Mr Stephen Wong, Senior Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Wellness Link - Tsuen Wan; Dr Tim Fung, Director, Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong; Dr Pan Jiayan, Associate Professor, HKBU Department of Social Work; Professor Petrus Ng Yat-nam, Head, HKBU Department of Social Work; Dr Fiona Yip, Clinical Psychologist, HKBU Department of Social Work; Professor Xu Jian-liang, Associate Head, HKBU Department of Computer Science; and Ms Chan Chor-kiu, Analyst Programmer, HKBU Department of Computer Science.