A team of academics from the Department of Marketing has partnered with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) for a collaborative research project on engagement strategy for experience enhancement at LCSD museums. 109 students from the Marketing Management course were invited to participate in the project by visiting the reopened Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA) in October 2020.
The research project was to examine the effectiveness of engagement activities in enhancing visitors’ experience at the HKMoA. The participating students were randomly assigned to one of the three experimental conditions, namely: had an engagement activity before (Group A) or after visiting the HKMoA (Group B), or had no engagement activity but just visiting (Group C).
The study result suggested that the engagement sequence was associated with different reactions in visitors’ experience. Engagement after the Museum visit elicits more favourable reactions than engagement before the visit. The experience of having engagement after the Museum visit is comparably favourable to those with no engagement.
Perceptions of loyalty, servicescape, and intention to revisit did not differ significantly across the three conditions. However, participants with engagement after the visit reported significantly higher level of satisfaction, vitality and evaluation on artifactscape than those with engagement before the visit. Findings also showed that the evaluations made by Group B were not statistically different from those participants in Group C.
Prof. Noel Siu, Principal Investigator of the project*, hoped that “museum management may take this result into account in formulating future related museum marketing strategy. This is also a good example of how research and teaching could work hand in hand, by engaging students in a research project closely relevant to our daily experience.”
*The team members include: Dr. Candy Ho, Dr. Tracy Zhang and Dr. Yan Kwan, from the Department of Marketing.