
HKBU computer scientist awarded RGC’s Early Career Award

Dr. Xin Huang
Dr. Xin Huang, Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Dr. Xin Huang, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, recently won the Research Grants Council’s (RGC) Early Career Awards forof 2020/21 inof recognition of his excellent achievements in research.


His funded project is titled “Efficient Community Search on Large Directed Graphs”, was funded for thean amount of HK$1.1 million.


Applications for research project grants under the Early Career Scheme (ECS) are assessed independently by international experts, with applicants required to be full-time academic staff members within the first three years of employment at a University Grants Committee (UGC) funded institution. This year, the ECS received 414 applications from all eight UGC-funded universities and 163 projects were funded. Dr. Huang was the only early-career scholar in HKBU who received an Early Career Awards due to histheir “excellent” ratings with a full score of 5.0.