Dr. Xin Huang, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, recently won the Research Grants Council’s (RGC) Early Career Awards forof 2020/21 inof recognition of his excellent achievements in research.
His funded project is titled “Efficient Community Search on Large Directed Graphs”, was funded for thean amount of HK$1.1 million.
Applications for research project grants under the Early Career Scheme (ECS) are assessed independently by international experts, with applicants required to be full-time academic staff members within the first three years of employment at a University Grants Committee (UGC) funded institution. This year, the ECS received 414 applications from all eight UGC-funded universities and 163 projects were funded. Dr. Huang was the only early-career scholar in HKBU who received an Early Career Awards due to histheir “excellent” ratings with a full score of 5.0.