Professor Jiangchuan Liu shares latest findings and perspectives in a Distinguished Lecture – Exploring Sustainable Energy Integration in Edge Computing and Internet of Things (IoT)
HKBU Department of Computer Science organised a Distinguished Lecture titled “Towards Sustainable Edge and IoT: An Integral View from the Energy Perspective” on 31 March 2023 featuring Professor Jiangchuan Liu from the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University.
In the lecture, Professor Liu highlighted the crucial role of energy supply in sustainable edge computing and IoT design, and the deployment. Based on his research experiences in remote regions with harsh environments such as Canada and Gobi Desert in East Asia. Professor Liu shared his insights on energy-efficient solutions for sustainable edge computing and IoT. These innovative solutions included non-intrusive load monitoring, data-driven battery optimisation, and batteryless communication and sensing, which are all essential for areas where modern power grids are unreliable.
Professor Liu is a Full Professor in the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University, Canada, and is recognised as a Fellow of The Canadian Academy of Engineering, an (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellow, and an Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellow. He is a successful entrepreneur who founded Jiangxing Intelligence in 2018. Today, the company is one of mainland China's top 10 edge computing companies. His research interests include multimedia systems and networks, cloud and edge computing, social networking, online gaming, and IoT/ Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)/backscatter.
Please click here for the full video of the Distinguished Lecture and here for more photos.