3 more HKBU researchers garnered Chinese Medicine Development Fund (CMDF) from the Health Bureau
We are proud to share the exciting news that three more researchers from the School of Chinese Medicine have been awarded over HK$4 million in total, from the Chinese Medicine Applied Studies and Research Funding Scheme (B2) under CMDF. They are Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Hou Mengyang, and Research Assistant Professors Dr Zhang Jialing and Dr Zhang Xuan from the School.
Dr Hou’s awarded project is entitled “中藥傳統湯劑特殊煎法調研整理及其現代規範化研究—以《傷寒論》中“去滓再煎”半夏、生薑、甘草三瀉心湯為例”. His research team aims to improve public knowledge about the special decoction methods of Chinese herbal medicine, promote the standardisation of modern decoction processes for three classic prescriptions, and advance the research and development of herbal formulations to better serve the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine.
Dr Zhang Jialing received the Fund for her project “基於中醫證型調查,中藥辨證治療2型糖尿病合併代謝綜合征的療效及安全性:一項隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照的先導性試驗”. The project sets out to identify traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome patterns for Hong Kong patients with diabetes and metabolic syndromes, determine the link between metabolic types and TCM patterns, evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Chinese herbal medicine for these patients, and develop a tailored treatment proposal for Hong Kong patients.
The awarded project for Dr Zhang Xuan is “中醫學五運六氣臨床應用研究”, which marks the fifth CMDF funding received by her. This project is poised to establish a database of both ancient and modern applications of the “five evolutive phases and six climatic factors” theory, summarise its value in clinical practice, create the first consensus-based guidance for the modern clinical application and research paradigm of this theory, and promote its application and dissemination in Hong Kong.
Established in 2019, CMDF was supervised by the Chinese Medicine Unit of the Health Bureau and implemented by the Hong Kong Productivity Council. The Fund is comprised of the Enterprise Support Programme (ESP) and Industry Support Programme (ISP), which are dedicated to nurturing talents, enhancing facilities and services, promoting Chinese medicine culture and concepts, and promoting applied studies and research on Chinese medicine. Practitioners, organisations and stakeholders in the Chinese medicine sector have benefited from the Fund.
Our sincere congratulations to our exceptional researchers for garnering an impressive grant for their influential projects, heralding a new era of innovation in Chinese medicine research. Click here to read about another 2024 CMDF awardee Dr Chan Kam Wa from the School.