Dr Cathy Lui, Chief Executive Officer of OPER Technology Limited and an HKBU alumna, shared at an online SEED Talk on 19 June how her academic journey at HKBU has shaped her to be an outstanding innovator and entrepreneur.
In her talk entitled “Building future capacity through SCIENCE”, Dr Lui also introduced the growing opportunities emerging in biomedical science and shared tips on how non-science major students can launch a rewarding career in technology companies. She believes that her own work in a technology company has always stimulated her to find ways to make her inventions more applicable, for the benefit of mankind.
Moderated by Professor Ken Yung, Professor of the Department of Biology at HKBU, Dr Lui held a discussion with two Applied Biology alumni, namely Mr Alex Wong who is studying for a PhD in Manchester in the UK, and Miss Bella Leung who once worked closely with Dr Lui. Dr Lui also answered questions from the online audience. The talk can be viewed here.
HKBU SEED Talk: Building Future Capacity Through SCIENCE