HKBU-led research awarded Research and Development Projects 2024-25 from Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR)
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We are excited to share that research led by Dr Rita Gill Singh from the HKBU Faculty of Arts has been awarded in the latest round of Research and Development Projects of SCOLAR. Her significant project about integrating ChatGPT into teaching academic English has been awarded over HK$1.1 million.
Dr Singh’s awarded research project is “Integrating a technology-driven ChatGPT pedagogical approach into teaching academic English for students transitioning from senior secondary school to university: An interinstitutional collaboration”. It bridges the research gap of how to specifically integrate ChatGPT into academic English courses for students transitioning from senior secondary school to universities in Hong Kong. In collaboration with five other local universities, the research findings are expected to offer valuable guidance and facilitate the appropriate use of ChatGPT by teachers and students. It also aims to ultimately establish a Community of Practice to foster the sustainable use of ChatGPT for academic English Language teaching and learning excellence in universities in Hong Kong.
SCOLAR’s vision is to enable the local community, particularly students and working adults, to become biliterate (in written Chinese and English) and trilingual (in Cantonese, Putonghua, and spoken English). Dr Singh’s project falls into the priority themes of “Technology-enhanced English language pedagogy” and “English language learning and teaching across secondary education and tertiary education”.
We extend our warmest congratulations to Dr Singh on attaining this substantial funding support. Her achievement has truly inspired the entire HKBU research community.
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