Intellectual Property Zoom Webinar 2020 - Copyright & Patents: In simple words

After two successful years, the 3rd HKBU Intellectual Property Day event took place on May 6, 2020. Due to COVID-19, the event was moved online as a Zoom webinar this year. As in previous years, it was a collaborative effort between the Library and the Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO), but also joining us this year was the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) who offered us their beautiful Inno Space site for broadcasting the event. Over 270 faculty members and students, librarians, as well as industries and startup entrepreneurs from all over Hong Kong gathered virtually on the day to hear presentations from renowned experts and speakers in the intellectual property field.
Intellectual Property (IP) is said to be creations of the mind, and includes items such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names and images, just to name a few. The event’s main focus was on copyright and patents, aimed at presenting complex IP issues in a digestible approach - “in simple words”. In particular, COVID-19 had pushed a lot of online teaching and learning to happen and the focus on copyright in the online environment was to meet those needs.
The three sessions are:
1. Copyright in Simple Words: Prof. Alice Lee, Associate Dean & Associate Professor of Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
2. New Patent System in Hong Kong: Mr. Frederick KWOK, Senior Solicitor, Intellectual Property Department, The Government of the HKSAR
3. Patent Application Grant (PAG): Ms. LEE Suk Kuen Phoebe, Consultant, Hong Kong Productivity Council
Although many questions were raised both via the registration process as well as during the online session, there was not enough time for the speakers to answer every question. Participants were encouraged to self-help and seek answers to their queries via the following resources:
- HKU Copyright Classroom Animated Series on YouTube
- HKBU Copyright & Copywrong Guide Overview | I am a teacher
- Intellectual Property Department IPD Website
- Hong Kong Productivity Council Inno Space
If you have missed the event, slides and selected recordings are available here, and the photos are here.
For more information on copyright and IP assistance, please contact:
KTO Office: patent@hkbu.edu.hk
Library: lamlhp@hkbu.edu.hk Scholarly Communications Librarian
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