Vice-President (Research and Development) Initiatives
To support the research journey of our colleagues at HKBU, the Research Committee (RC) offer funding support for pursuing research activities, such as to kickstart new research projects, support interdisciplinary collaborations, procure research equipment, cover travel costs for academic conferences, or other related endeavors.
This year, Prof LYU Aiping, Vice-President (Research and Development), has launched the following initiatives that will significantly contribute to our University's research culture and encourage a wider range of research collaborations. These initiatives would be able to foster an interdisciplinary, collaborative research environment that leverages the strengths and expertise of our diverse Faculty members.
1. Start-up Grant (SG) 2023/24 and the Special Round of Start-up Grant (SRSG) 2023/24
The RC has been offering the SG of HK$200,000 to newly joined academics at the rank of Research Assistant Professor or above to support their development and implementation of research initiatives. In addition to the SG, the SRSG is a new initiative this year to support newly joined academics to initiate and develop research, scholarly, or creative work. The SRSG offers a funding of HK$150,000 to new colleagues at Assistant Professor level or above to conduct non-laboratory research, and HK$300,000 to conduct laboratory-based work. The home Faculty/School/Department is required to provide matching funds on a 1:1 ratio. Invitations will be extended to eligible colleagues for the submission of SRSG applications.
2. Seed Funding for Collaborative Research Grants (SFCRG) 2023/24
The new SFCRG provides support for projects targeting the Research Grant Council (RGC) collaborative research grants, including the Areas of Excellence Scheme (AoE) or Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) with a funding ceiling of HK$2,000,000, and the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF), Research Impact Fund (RIF), or Strategic Topics Grant (STG) with a funding ceiling of HK$1,000,000. Colleagues may also consider applying the SFCRG for other major external collaborative grants comparable with the above RGC schemes. Awardees of the SFCRG are expected to actively pursue and submit applications for the targeted grant within one year of project completion.
3. Other Internal Schemes
Aside from the abovementioned initiatives, other Internal Schemes have also been announced and are currently open for applications. These internal schemes support a wide range of research activities. More details of the internal schemes can be viewed in the attached leaflet. You are encouraged to seize these opportunities to contribute to the research landscape of our University.
For enquiries on the above internal schemes, please to contact the Research Office (