HKBU’s online counselling programme relieves psychological distress of tertiary students
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A research team led by Dr Pan Jiayan, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, has launched an online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme named “REST Online” for tertiary students aged 18 or above with mild to moderate levels of psychological distress.
The programme is recruiting 280 tertiary students with the aim of providing easy access to counselling services, and it hopes to help students alleviate distress when encountering challenges in post-secondary school life.
REST Online adopts a blended mode of service delivery including both online and offline counselling. The online service comprises eight weekly online modules, which include briefing on CBT skills and case demonstration videos. An experienced counsellor will also provide face-to-face session and telephone follow-up to assist with the online service and review the service progress.
Please click here for more details.
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