Co-organised by the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, the International Symposium on "Wind, Water, Cloud in China-related spaces for the Anthropocene Cultural Imaginary” was held successfully on 3 December 2020.
The symposium examined how these three dimensions of China in relation to climate change can catalyse new imaginaries; how everyday life, arts and cultural productions employ creative forms to address and explore the relationship between China and the Anthropocene during our time of accelerating ecological catastrophe. Attributed as a potential game-changer of the existing global order, China and its authoritarian regime and all other problems of magnificent scale is likened to the Anthropocene that would lead the world to an epoch of refuse, ruin, and decay. The symposium also examined how the imaginaries offered by daily practice, arts, literature and film about China may produce discourses of disjunction and rupture in order to articulate different modes of experiences and generate new modes of thoughts in the purpose of enacting inspirations and positive changes for our ecological futures.