
HKBU Annual Christmas Lecture: A Gentle Introduction to AI Creation by Dr Harry Shum




  • Tsang Chan Sik Yue Auditorium, Level 2, AAB
  • Dr. Harry Shum, Founding Chairman of the International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA)

Christmas is around the corner. The Research Office is delighted to present to you an Annual Christmas Lecture “A gentle introduction to AI creation” by Dr. Harry Shum on 21 December 2021 at 4:00-6:00 pm in Tsang Chan Sik Yue Auditorium, Level 2, Academic and Administration Building (AAB), HKBU.


About the speaker:

Dr. Harry Shum is the Founding Chairman of the International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA) and a Professor-at-large at the Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He was the Executive Vice President for AI and Research at Microsoft Corporation until March 2020. He is an IEEE Fellow and ACM Fellow for his contributions to computer vision and computer graphics. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering of the US in 2017 and the Royal Academy of Engineering of the UK in 2018. He was conferred a Doctor of Science, honoris causa, in HKBU in 2020.


Recent development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning has made AI creation an exciting cross-disciplinary research area with many practical application scenarios. In this talk, Dr. Shum will first introduce three principles of AI creation, from the process to the product. Then he will discuss the full pipeline of the AI creation process, from creating to rendering to packing. What has AI learnt from human creators? What’s the relationship between AI creators and human creators? He will try to address these questions by sharing many AI creation examples, including poems, paintings and music. Finally, the speaker will also pose some challenges with AI creation, like IP protection.


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For enquiries, please contact research@hkbu.edu.hk

