Prof. Yuanyuan Yang from Stony Brook University, USA delivered an online Distinguished Lecture on “A Vision towards Pervasive Edge Computing” on 28 July 2021. The lecture was organised in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Science, HKBU. In the lecture, Prof. Yang presented an emerging pervasive edge computing paradigm where heterogeneous edge devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, IoT and vehicles) could collaborate to sense, process data and create many novel applications at network edge. The audience were eager to raise questions and sparked stimulating dialogues.
Prof. Yuanyuan Yang received the BEng and MS degrees in computer science and engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and the MSE and PhD degrees in computer science from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Prof. Yang is a SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University, New York, USA. She is currently on leave serving as a Program Director at the US National Science Foundation. She has served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Stony Brook University and a Division Director of New York State Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology. Prof. Yang is internationally recognized for her contributions in parallel & distributed computer architectures and systems. She was named an IEEE Fellow in 2009 for contributions to parallel and distributed computing. Her current research interests include parallel computer architecture, network-based computing, cloud computing, edge computing and mobile computing. She has published over 460 scientific papers in leading refereed journals and conferences. Prof. Yang is currently the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing and an Associate Editor for ACM Computing Surveys and IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. She has served as the Associated Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Computers and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, and an Associated Editor for IEEE Transactions on Computers and IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
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