HKBU researchers present their curiosity-driven ideas at the Blue Sky Research Fund Open Forum
Creativity is fundamental to academic life. Given the importance of blue-sky research and its potential value to the innovative discoveries, the Hong Kong Baptist University has set up the “Blue Sky Research Fund” to encourage the researchers to do curiosity-driven work to push the frontiers of science and advance knowledge outside the restriction of a pre-defined agenda.
On 14 September 2022, an Open Forum was organized by the Research Office for the 28 applicants to present their novel research proposals covering a wide spectrum in art and technology, disease detection, AI, climate change, pollution and more. The presentations led to dynamic discussion and idea exchange between the speakers and the audiences.
“Curiosity driven research should be our DNA as academics. The advance of science is not always driven by tangible or measurable outcomes with a clear agenda. Unanticipated scientific breakthroughs are sometimes more valuable than the outcomes of agenda-driven research, and may bear fruit only after years or even decades have passed.” said Prof Yike Guo, Vice-President (Research and Development). “As a scientist, we must be able to think, and to have curiosity to ask good questions.”
At the Open Forum, three awards were also presented by Prof Guo to the winners of the Best Poster Awards:
Winner: Dr ZHOU Yuanyuan, Department of Physics
First Runner Up: Dr YU Yuanyuan, School of Chinese Medicine
Second Runner Up: Dr YU Rongjun, Department of Management
After the Open Forum, the research proposals will go through the committee review by an International Advisory Board. The result will be announced in October. Please click here for more information about the Blue Sky Research Fund.
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