Faculty of Science

Founded in 1961, the Faculty of Science comprises five departments, including Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics. Currently, with around 2,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, the Faculty offers a broad spectrum of academic programmes in the science discipline.
The Faculty strives to play a leading role in science education and technological advancement by delivering excellence in teaching and learning, conducting cutting-edge academic research, and proactively contributing to the advancement of society.
Comprehensive education
To provide students with a comprehensive education that fully develops their intellectual and personal strengths.
Innovative research
To engage in innovative, high-impact, and leading-edge research.
Scientific literacy
To promote scientific and technological literacy in society.
The Faculty advocates cross-disciplinary approaches, with research activities focused on the environment and health, chemical biology, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. We offer exceptional opportunities for interdisciplinary ventures and collaborations, and aim to inspire students to achieve academic excellence to leverage professional and intellectual demands. Our central facilities use the latest technologies for the development and implementation of advanced and innovative research.

Dean, Faculty of Science
Chair Professor in Mathematics and Chair Professor in Data Science, Faculty of Science
Research Impact
The Faculty of Science has identified the Niche Research Area – Environment-Health & Data Analytics. Taking a few examples of our research impacts:
Our study of gene-environment interaction in plants underpinned a new strategy on rice irrigation that change the practices of millions of farmers in mainland China.
Our leading academic contribution to investigating the impacts of emerging environmental stressors on ecological and animal health leads to the establishment of the “State Key Laboratory of Environmental and Biological Analysis."
The concept of environmental sustainability is disseminated through our organic farming and waste management strategies; those are broadly acknowledged by society.
Using the chemical-biology approach, we have identified a non-invasive method for early diagnosis of human prostate cancers and the detection of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers.
Our colleagues have developed the laser technology to analyze the chemistry of antiques and paintings, and aluminum oxide nano-structures and films for modifications of surface structure and optical properties.
Our artificial intelligence approaches to malaria elimination with China CDC provides spatio-temporal data analytics for epidemic prediction. The approach has been adopted as guidelines for front-line surveillance and control practices.
The industries have widely adopted our big data research. We have a long-term partnership with the Hong Kong Observatory and Environment Protection Department of Hong Kong Government in data assimilation on air quality and weather forecast.
Our Faculty is the heart for innovation and growth of the human culture. We deliver solutions for real environmental importance to safeguard the health of present and future generations.
Faculty Niche Research Area
To align with the University’s Institutional Strategic Plan 2018-2028 and Talent 100, the Faculty Niche Research Area (FNRA) focuses on “Environment-Health and Data Analytics” to deliver solutions of real environmental importance which can help safeguard the health of present and future generations.
Environment–Health and Data Analytics: A study on the Role of Environmental Chemical Pollutants in the Development of Human Diseases
- Chemical Biology
(Departments of Biology and Chemistry) - Epidemiological Studies & Experimental Models
(Departments of Biology and Mathematics) - Omics & Health Informatics
(Departments of Computer Science and Physics) - Big Data & Modeling
(Department of Computer Science and Mathematics)
Research Centres/Institutes
State Key Laboratory
Research Institutes
- Croucher Institute for Environmental Sciences
- Institute of Advanced Materials
- Institute of Bioresource and Agriculture
- Institute of Computational and Theoretical Studies (ICTS)
- Peking U - HKBU Joint Research Institute for Applied Mathematics*
Research Centres
- Beijing-HK-Singapore Joint Centre for Nonlinear and Complex Systems*
- Centre for Health Informatics*
- Centre for Mathematical Imaging and Vision*
- Centre for Nonlinear Studies*
- Centre for Quantitative Systems Biology*
- Golden Meditech Centre for NeuroRegeneration Sciences
- High-Performance Cluster Computing Centre*
- Research and Development Centre for Natural Health Products^
- Research Centre of Excellence for Organic Electronics
- Sino-Forest Applied Research Centre for Pearl River Delta Environment
- Statistics Research and Consultancy Centre*
Servicing Centres
* Research Institutes/Centres run under ICTS, which serves as an interdisciplinary research platform.
^ The Centre is located in mainland China.
Introducing HKBU Faculty of Science