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Eminent computer vision and pattern recognition expert Professor John Daugman delivers distinguished lecture


Professor John Daugman from Cambridge University, United Kingdom delivered an online Distinguished Lecture on “Personal Identity, Artificial Intelligence, and Biometric Entropy” on 8 March 2022. In the lecture, Professor Daugman discussed several identity questions on computational neuroscience, computer vision, automatic face and iris recognition, and the concept of biometric entropy. The vivid illustrations and examples helped the participants comprehend the concepts and they found the lecture very inspiring.

Professor John Daugman received his degrees at Harvard University and then taught at Harvard before coming to Cambridge University, where he is Professor of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. He has held the Johann Bernoulli Chair of Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Groningen, and the Toshiba Endowed Chair at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. His areas of research and teaching include computer vision, information theory, neuro computing, and statistical pattern recognition. Awards for his work in science and technology include medals from the British Computer Society, and the OBE (Order of the British Empire) from The Queen. He has been elected to Fellowships of: the UK Royal Academy of Engineering; the US National Academy of Inventors; and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. He has been inducted permanently into the US National Inventors Hall of Fame. He is the founder and benefactor of the Cambridge Chrysalis Trust.


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