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HKBU Arts X Social Sciences Joint Faculty Niche Research Area (FNRA) Symposium


The Joint FNRA Symposium, held on May 11, 2023 (Thursday), is a one-day event co-organised by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Symposium brought together an ensemble of Faculty academic experts, teaching staff, external experts and research postgraduate students to share their researches and insights. The Symposium was well attended by more than 40 participants, in person and via ZOOM.


The whole-day Symposium started with the welcome remarks given by Dr Albert Chau, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) of HKBU cum Acting Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Stuart Christie, Executive Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and Professor Daniel Lai, Dean and Chair Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences respectively. 


The morning session started with two thematic presentations on the topics of peak performance across disciplines and peace building, which featured the existing collaborative projects between the two faculties – the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences. 


After the two thematic presentations, four plenary sessions were held, covering topics including Urbanisation, Civilisation & Ecology, Health & Well-being, Digital Intervention & Story-telling, and Technology & Mind. Respective panels brought along their projects of potential collaborative synergies for these four topics. Followed by each presentation was an in-depth and transdisciplinary conversation. 


Before the start of the Symposium and during the break between the morning sessions, the participants had already shown interest to and were attracted by the booth of Lenovo, which also served as a preview of the industry professionals’ innovative knowledge shared in the afternoon session. The invited guests and Faculty experts continued mingling and exchanging ideas with other participants over lunch.


The afternoon session showcased sharing from the external parties by members of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong Christian Services, Amazon Web Services, and Lenovo. The invited guest speakers’ sharing covered a wide array of topics and research tools, with special focuses on tourism, ethnic minorities, VR tools and text mining. To facilitate and advance the discussions and communication among speakers of different languages, students from Inter-Link, a service-learning course of HKBU, provided high quality Cantonese to English simultaneous interpretation service via making use of innovative techniques. 


After the fruitful knowledge-sharing session, the event ended with a closing remark made by the moderators Dr Janice Pan, Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Arts and Professor Wong Man Kong, Associate Dean (Development) of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

A group photo of the Faculties' academic experts, research postgraduate students and external professionals

A group photo of the Faculties' academic experts, research postgraduate students and external professionals

An industry expert (Right) demonstrates one of the latest research tools to participants.

An industry expert (Right) demonstrates one of the latest research tools to participants.

Dr Janice Pan (Left) and Professor Wong (Right) give the closing remarks at the end of the event.

Dr Janice Pan (Left) and Professor Wong (Right) give the closing remarks at the end of the event.