HKBU Holds Intellectual Property Forum to Promote Intellectual Property Education

The Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) and the University Library, together with the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the HKSAR, have co-organised the Intellectual Property Forum on 19th – 20th April, 2021. Throughout the two-day webinar, nine experts were invited to address crucial issues on copyright and patent protection. The event aimed to provide intellectual property (IP) rights education to faculty and students of higher education institutes in Hong Kong and to meet teaching and learning needs related to copyright issues under the copyright laws in China and Hong Kong.
On the first day of the event, five IP experts, including Mr. Vincent Oey, Solicitor from Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the HKSAR; Miss Maggie Wong, Senior Solicitor from Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the HKSAR; Mr Terence Tseung, Senior Inspector from Customs and Excise Department of the Government of the HKSAR; Dr Oliver Lutze and Ms Kristen Fu from Spruson & Ferguson (Asia) Beijing, shared their expertise on three main themes: “Protect your inventions in Hong Kong”, “Stay away from online trap from trademark and copyright perspective”, and “Exploring patent & copyright law in China, seize opportunities in GBA”.
On the second day of the event, four speakers were invited, including Prof Alice Lee, Associate Professor from the Faculty of Law of The University of Hong Kong; Ms Victoria Caplan from the Library of The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Mr Robert Jackson from Spruson & Ferguson (Hong Kong); and Ms Margaret Burke from Idea Intellectual Property. The two main themes of the day were “Empowering IP knowledge for the education sector” and “Strategies for filing a good patent”.
The two-day webinar drew more than 210 online attendees, including faculty members, students, librarians, administrative and research staff from higher education institutes in Hong Kong, as well as startup entrepreneurs who were keen to gain valuable insights from the nine renowned IP experts.
While many questions were received from the registration form and during the webinar, there was limited time for the speakers to address each question. Participants are encouraged to find the information and answers to their questions through the following resources:
- HKU Copyright Classroom Animated Series on YouTube
- HKBU Copyright & Copywrong Guide Overview | I am a teacher
- Intellectual Property Department IPD Website
If you missed the event or would like to review the webinar, selected recordings are available here.
For more information on copyright and IP assistance, please contact:
KTO Office: patent@hkbu.edu.hk
Library: lib-sct@hkbu.edu.hk
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