An experience sharing session entitled “RAE – everything you need to know but haven’t asked!” was held on April 25, 2023. The sharing session was well attended by more than 100 participants, in person and via ZOOM, including the University’s officers, Deans and Associated Deans of various Schools and Faculties, and academic and administrative staff.
The sharing session started with the opening remarks given by Professor Rick Wong, Interim Provost and Acting Vice-President (Research and Development) of HKBU. He welcomed all participants and the speaker, Professor Nicholas Long, The Sir Edward Frankland BP Endowed Chair Professor in Inorganic Chemistry of Imperial College London and Dr Kennedy Wong Distinguished Visiting Professor of HKBU.

During the sharing session, Professor Long demystified the RAE assessment criteria and shared his insights and practical experiences as a former panel member of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 in the UK. The participants appreciated Professor Long’s useful sharing and raised in-depth questions concerning their Schools/Faculties’ research submissions. Professor Long provided detailed answers in response to the questions, and some advice based on his observations and experiences.
After the fruitful Q&A session moderated by Professor Kelvin Leung, the Head and Professor of the Department of Chemistry, the event ended with closing remarks made by Professor Liu Jiming, Associate Vice-President (Research Development) of HKBU.
To review the event recording (HKBU SSOID login required), please visit: https://research.hkbu.edu.hk/whats-on/events-and-activities/research-assessment-exercise-rae-2026.